I am interested in learning about my brain and autistic brains in general, but this correlation (which is all it is, at this point) may not even exist in the vast majority of autistic people.
And nobody has proven that low vasopressin actually causes social inhibition or social difficulty. It could be entirely the other way around, with social inhibition/difficulty causing low vasopressin.....In which case, increasing the level of it in a person's brain would do absolutely nothing to change the social inhibition/difficulties, and you could not use vasopressin levels as a test for autism since anybody who was socially inhibited or had social difficulty for any reason would have low vasopressin levels.
Correlation is not causation. Why does everyone forget this?
Also, just because a person questions the methodology used or the conclusions being drawn from a study doesn't mean they think that the existance or aims of that study are bad.
And just because a person is against "curing" autism (or even simply thinks the idea is foolish and impossible) doesn't mean they are against therapies to help ameliorate our difficulties.
Which is why there is research and ethical monitoring of same. Which is why we should do reasearch and learn where the outcomes lead. I could say that about anything....well done research is the way we find out about everything, in a controlled, rules based, documented fashion.