Well-Known Member
It's not often that I tick "agree" with almost all of the responses within a given discussion thread, but yes, this is absolutely horrendous, for many reasons, reasons I don't need to go into here.
I like to think people are a little more sophisticated, when it comes to their cognitive and other mental abilities, than mice (of all things), and why the hell are they concentrating on, and trying so hard, to "eliminate autism"? I mean, surely they must have better priorities. You know, like finding what it is that turns people into sociopaths (or nosy gossips). How about we find a "cure" for behaviour that is illogical and emotion-based? Too many people, many in positions of power and influence, base important decisions upon silly things like "hunches" and how they "feel". We should support research into finding the "gene" that causes such unproductive behaviour, and do away with people who just cause destruction wherever they go.
How much do you wanna bet that, when challenged about this research of theirs, they will use the Almighty $ as a justification? "But just think of all of those otherwise unproductive members of society we will no longer have? There will not be any more useless dreamers, useless eaters sponging off the government. Our welfare bill will shrink dramatically!" This is sickening beyond belief. We really DO need a planet of our own. Let's call it... Vulcan. Yes, that will do.
I like to think people are a little more sophisticated, when it comes to their cognitive and other mental abilities, than mice (of all things), and why the hell are they concentrating on, and trying so hard, to "eliminate autism"? I mean, surely they must have better priorities. You know, like finding what it is that turns people into sociopaths (or nosy gossips). How about we find a "cure" for behaviour that is illogical and emotion-based? Too many people, many in positions of power and influence, base important decisions upon silly things like "hunches" and how they "feel". We should support research into finding the "gene" that causes such unproductive behaviour, and do away with people who just cause destruction wherever they go.
How much do you wanna bet that, when challenged about this research of theirs, they will use the Almighty $ as a justification? "But just think of all of those otherwise unproductive members of society we will no longer have? There will not be any more useless dreamers, useless eaters sponging off the government. Our welfare bill will shrink dramatically!" This is sickening beyond belief. We really DO need a planet of our own. Let's call it... Vulcan. Yes, that will do.