I don't know where else I can post this. I thought about making a new thread about it, but I really don't feel like going through all of that plus it fits in this current thread anyway. If this seems a little unstructured or hard to follow, it's because it is really hard for me to think clearly lately, and I'll try to go into why below.
I've been experiencing a lot of rage lately. The problem is that I don't know how to let it out constructively. My anger is not toward one person or thing specifically, but towards society, "the system", humanity in a nutshell. I've experienced way too many setbacks in the last ten years, and the last five have been even worse. The last six months especially have been the absolute worst. All this stuff involving COVID-19, especially mandatory mask mandates like the one recently passed by my state's governor, have been bringing my piss to a boil. My personal opinion: if you want to wear a mask and it is your choice to do so that's one thing, but forcing everyone to do so and fining them $200 if they don't is wrong. I am so sick of these crypto-kings, these people who think they are untouchable like gods, thinking that people can't make choices for themselves, and I'm also sick of people who just bow down and take it, saying things like "it is what it is", "we don't have any control over it", "that's the way the system works", etc. What makes me sick is this is coming from so-called Americans: a country founded by a bunch of British subjects fed up with getting taxed on tea and stamps. On top of that, because of some legal issues I've had recently because I can't control my rage at people, I had to put Zoom on my phone, which I swore I'd never do due to their shady past (a few months back, Zoom was found to be routing their North American calls to a Chinese server). I am sick of compromising my principles for this joke of a society. I am sick of trying to work within this awful world and its BS arbitrary limitations. I already tried doing that years ago when I took a job at an Amazon fulfillment center years ago: a job I knew I'd hate before even applying, but I needed the money to survive and I had trouble keeping a job because of circumstances outside of my control (layoff from a Graphic Design internship, Americorps pulling their grant from another place because the place couldn't keep a program head for longer than a few months, and so on). Amazon ended up being the worst and, currently, last job I ever worked at, plus it showed me how the world really works: we're just low-rung cogs in a machine that makes a multi-billionaire richer. It had me so enraged when I finally quit there that I ended up having a huge mental breakdown just a few months later, and I've never fully recovered.
Let's go to more recent times. Lately, I've been feeling like nothing matters at all. After all, back when I had a little bit of a better attitude on life and was working, I'd still lose jobs eventually anyway, and it would take me six months usually to find another one. I volunteered for years on a United Way board, but after a restructuring that ended. The car I had when I had my first breakdown and eventually totalled because of said breakdown would have sooner or later been gone anyway because who knows how much longer I would have been able to make payments on the damn thing. On top of that, I've been fighting with the stupid Social Security administration to get disability just to get back on my feet. I guess it doesn't matter that I was diagnosed with Autism when I was four years old or that I was getting Social Security as a child, because I keep getting denied and have to deal with another stupid appeal hearing like a useless begger asking for change. I didn't even want to apply for the stupid thing in the first place: I hate being treated like a charity case because of some invisible disability, plus I'd rather earn my path through life instead of sponging on the dole like a loser. But I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
Anyway, because of all that, I have been experiencing some explosive rage episodes lately. On top of that, I've been feeling very nihilistic, hopeless, and very depressed as well. I have no reason to even care about "rules of decorum" anymore (I'm honestly surprised I typed all this without drop a thousand F-bombs, that's how angry I feel), because I am so disgusted with everything. I have wished many times lately that the oceans were made out of gasoline just so I can throw in a lit match and destroy humanity, myself included. I even thought about just taking everything I own, everything that reminds me of the last 30-plus years of my useless life, and throwing it all in the trash, including my drawings, music stuff, games, movies, photos, friendships, family, etc. I also have felt like the only reason that I'm still around right now is that I'm too much of a coward to just bite the bullet myself. In short: I can't take this anymore.
Sorry for the long post. Sorry for the depressing imagery. Sorry for the longwindedness. I am losing my mind.