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Averge grades at school.

Tony Ramirez

Single Lonely Women Hate Me Aspie
V.I.P Member
I always got average grades at Catholic schools in MS and HS but College I flunked out both in classes and socializing.

I use to think that because of my average grades I did not have ASD. In school because of my poor social skills and average grades they though I had a learning disability. I started to research about Asperger's and Autism and I always thought that I had some of my sisters traits who is fully autistic but I though since they are suppose to be geniuses and my grades were a C average I though I could not have ASD but must have something else. I actually went to weekly classes outside Catholic school with people who had trouble learning and I did good in the small environment of the classes.

Otherwise I blame the schools for this as my mind went to waste as Catholic schools could not teach me in regular classes and my parents refused to find anything wrong with me. My Grandmother though I could do better at public school with special classes for those with ASD but my parents wanted me to stay in Catholic school.

So later on after going though various disability programs with computers and getting my only job I ever had and lost I found out I had Asperger's but it bothered me that I was not super smart in school but I could still remember things like every cable TV channel, AM/FM radio station in my area, movie trailers word for word and tech related things.
I mostly got Cs and C+s; only got a couple Bs and As in High School, though that's due to my IEP I had and the teachers giving me an easier time than most.

Thankfully my parents aren't the high strung kind of people that have stupid high expectations of me.

Only C- i think I've gotten in my life was in Law 12 as my overall grade, since I never did complete a 30 page portfolio we were supposed to do; meant to ask if I could do half but felt it'd feel unfair to everyone else in the class, so i didn't bother. I only took it since it seemed interesting, and it was.
I was low to average at school, couldn't understand why I did so badly on subjects I liked. Was never going to do well in forced subjects I hated either!

College taught me there are techniques for hitting the grades, e.g structured essay writing. They don't teach that at school, it's more learning by rote/brainwashing & reliant more on memory recall. I wouldn't worry too much about school grades.
Very few people with autism are savants, geniuses etc. That notion came from the movie "Rainman", and it's pure Hollywood fiction. The movie was based on Kim Peek and he wasn't even autistic, he had FG syndrome. It's one of the reasons my mother denied my first autism diagnosis and never told me about it, because I was no Raymond... To this day it pisses me off.
I never did great in school either very average grades (mostly C’s with a couple of B’s and D’s). My knowledge sets don’t seem to do well in education. I didn’t sit my A levels because of stress so I didn’t know how I would of done but probably not well. I don’t know exam well.
I always got average grades at Catholic schools in MS and HS but College I flunked out both in classes and socializing.

I use to think that because of my average grades I did not have ASD. In school because of my poor social skills and average grades they though I had a learning disability. I started to research about Asperger's and Autism and I always thought that I had some of my sisters traits who is fully autistic but I though since they are suppose to be geniuses and my grades were a C average I though I could not have ASD but must have something else. I actually went to weekly classes outside Catholic school with people who had trouble learning and I did good in the small environment of the classes.

Otherwise I blame the schools for this as my mind went to waste as Catholic schools could not teach me in regular classes and my parents refused to find anything wrong with me. My Grandmother though I could do better at public school with special classes for those with ASD but my parents wanted me to stay in Catholic school.

So later on after going though various disability programs with computers and getting my only job I ever had and lost I found out I had Asperger's but it bothered me that I was not super smart in school but I could still remember things like every cable TV channel, AM/FM radio station in my area, movie trailers word for word and tech related things.
First of all, autism does not automatically mean genius. Autism encompasses the full range of intellectual ability, so don't think that just because you are not smart you do not have autism. Secondly, as others here have pointed out, grades and intelligence do not automatically go hand in hand. A highly intelligent person who thinks differently can have all sorts of academic trouble in school. I don't like talking about this (and I won't give the exact numbers), but I have tested out several times as being much higher than the 99th percentile intellectually, yet my grades in school were below average. In fact, one year I was almost held back. I attribute these problems to autism, AD(no H)D, anthrophobia, and alexithemia, all not diagnosed (or even suspected) until late in life.

There are lots of self tests available online. Take some of them and learn as much as you can about yourself. Learn as much as you can about any conditions you discover. In this way you will be better prepared for whatever comes your way.
Very few people with autism are savants, geniuses etc. That notion came from the movie "Rainman", and it's pure Hollywood fiction. The movie was based on Kim Peek and he wasn't even autistic, he had FG syndrome. It's one of the reasons my mother denied my first autism diagnosis and never told me about it, because I was no Raymond... To this day it pisses me off.

There are some, though I do not understand it. I have a cousin who plays the piano, and has never had a single music lesson. If he hears music, he can just play.
I floated around a B+ GPA in high school and it gradually lowered a bit in college as the courses and their complexities increased with time. Ending as a "B" student. Though I did have two classes where I opted to take credit rather than a grade to keep up my GPA. My bad.

Meh. No potential employer ever wanted to view my college transcript or my IQ score except perhaps those few that probably already had them without my permission. o_O
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Depends which period of school... I had a couple of years in the middle school where I got rock bottom grades and they wanted to put me in the slow learners' class. Then, in high school I got As and Bs, except for English literature, which was a D.
Thanks everyone so I don't feel so dumb at school. The only classes I got an A in high school was art and photography.
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There are some, though I do not understand it. I have a cousin who plays the piano, and has never had a single music lesson. If he hears music, he can just play.
That's why I said there are very few, or its extremely rare. To hold the idea that all people with autism are savants or geniuses is flawed thought.
Mostly Ds and Cs, the latter probably coming when the teacher wasn't paying attention and just needed to give a grade.
Teachers had pity on me and let me do extra credit. Doing extra credit assignments is what made me pass High School however in college there was very little extra credit assignments which is why I failed.
I always got average grades at Catholic schools in MS and HS but College I flunked out both in classes and socializing.

I use to think that because of my average grades I did not have ASD. In school because of my poor social skills and average grades they though I had a learning disability. I started to research about Asperger's and Autism and I always thought that I had some of my sisters traits who is fully autistic but I though since they are suppose to be geniuses and my grades were a C average I though I could not have ASD but must have something else. I actually went to weekly classes outside Catholic school with people who had trouble learning and I did good in the small environment of the classes.

Otherwise I blame the schools for this as my mind went to waste as Catholic schools could not teach me in regular classes and my parents refused to find anything wrong with me. My Grandmother though I could do better at public school with special classes for those with ASD but my parents wanted me to stay in Catholic school.

So later on after going though various disability programs with computers and getting my only job I ever had and lost I found out I had Asperger's but it bothered me that I was not super smart in school but I could still remember things like every cable TV channel, AM/FM radio station in my area, movie trailers word for word and tech related things.

The more advanced maths classes have been a nightmare for me, but my teachers have always praised my language skills (My mother tongue is German). Presentations and speeches however are troubling me to this day. I'm interested in science but add a little algebra and I'm done with it ;)
To sum it up, anything involving maths is a bit of a challenge. Anything involving languages is great.
My school certificate had its up and downs to put it mildly.
I'm interested in science but add a little algebra and I'm done with it ;)
To sum it up, anything involving maths is a bit of a challenge. Anything involving languages is great.
You sound very similar to me. I really struggled with algebra, just couldn't grasp it, and that was the reason why I dropped sciences even though I really liked them. I managed to get a B in the end in the exam after being predicted a C, and I think that was just down to luck.
Hi Ah yes education!!!!!!
I was constantly compared to my academic sibling, strong ability in english and art but the science topics were a nightmare, my first bout of depression was at 15 and i left school with no formal qualifications and a feeling of being stupid ( very untrue i just hadn't accessed my strengths) twenty years later i did a college course to teach literacy to adults with spacial needs and gained a a level in English alongside a level 3 qualification and some of that self doubt went away.
You sound very similar to me. I really struggled with algebra, just couldn't grasp it, and that was the reason why I dropped sciences even though I really liked them. I managed to get a B in the end in the exam after being predicted a C, and I think that was just down to luck.

Glad 'm not the only one. My father is a mathematical genius and he tried to give me some extra lessons, to no avail. Maths used to drive me so crazy, I got temper tantrums
Math is my worst subject as is English. I remember I use to study for hours with my Grandmother who is smart and still fail most of the tests.

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