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Averge grades at school.

I mostly get A and B (4 and 5 in my country). In elementary school (years 1-8) had straight As from everything except P.E. Now in high school sometimes a bad grade happens, but most are good. This is me, but not everyone with ASD have good grades, some are average and some may even have a learning disability. But also, high functioning ones often have good grades.
I did absolutely disastrously bad in school. After being held back two years and put forward after failing another year, I finally passed high school by one half point. I was diagnosed as retarded. (In that time, in my school, autism was unknown.) I would have considered it wonderful to have had your grades.

Later in life I finally figured it out. I found that I cannot be taught, but I can learn. I found that being taught is a social thing, involving another person. I am not a social person and anything social is an almost total distraction from anything I am trying to learn. I must admit that I am mystified how other autistics can do so well in school.

My childhood dream was to be an electronics design engineer. Those dreams, however, was quickly dashed. No such thing as a retarded engineer.

My interest, however, kept me studying electronics theory and getting assembly and repair jobs. Fast forward - as it turned out, without school, even without college, I worked my way to being a senior electronics design engineer.

So, I say, don’t worry. It may not be easy, but diligence and passionate self-study can get you where you want to be.

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