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Being alone..

I think I have the right shoes for that aspie gang, Lol.

I have things outside of AS that make me even more unique and unfathomable to the masses, if we attribute the labels that the status quo has constructed. I would describe myself as a cosmic accident of biological origin.
I think I have the right shoes for that aspie gang, Lol.

I have things outside of AS that make me even more unique and unfathomable to the masses, if we attribute the labels that the status quo has constructed. I would describe myself as a cosmic accident of biological origin.
As a gang, we're not going to be very intimidating, if we can't stare people down. So we're going to have to rely on other means, such as passive aggressive sigh's and foot stamping. So bring your most threatening shoes winter.
I'd like to also stress, if we're gunna stroke cats, can we stroke them the wrong way, so we can really make a statement
As a gang, we're not going to be very intimidating, if we can't stare people down. So we're going to have to rely on other means, such as passive aggressive sigh's and foot stamping. So bring your most threatening shoes winter. Lol

I guess the clown shoes won't work then aye. I have just the pair... muahaha. Steel reinforced, Lol.

Oddly enough with all my shoe talk, I do prefer being barefoot. Lol.
Sometimes I think it can be helpful, at least as a mood lightener for yourself, to turn the concept around, thusly:

Don't you feel sorry for all of these crowds of poor NTs, whole don't fit in well with you?

You have brilliant insights, clear logical thoughts, and have a wealth of knowledge about one or more subjects that few people can match. And they are missing out on all of that! Sad loss for them that they are too lazy to take the time to get to know you better.

Perhaps someone will get a chuckle out of that, at least. Or perhaps a flash of insight when you recognize the truth - that only a select few are capable of appreciating your greatness. Your challenge is to seek out those enlightened few.
Bravo, JohnH. My personal philosophy is that meaningful connection to others has a value beyond my ability to describe it adequately. The challenge is definitely to find the ones that appreciate (the universal) you, and it has made me an often hapless wanderer. But people who appreciate us are out there. Even a creature such as I has been very fortunate in moments near, despite the periultimate challenge that I see myself being. Thank you for the well spoken reminder.

It's funner to stomp around a bunch, though. *wicked* <--- that of course is my awkward humour, whahoo
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Sometimes I think it can be helpful, at least as a mood lightener for yourself, to turn the concept around, thusly:

Don't you feel sorry for all of these crowds of poor NTs, whole don't fit in well with you?

You have brilliant insights, clear logical thoughts, and have a wealth of knowledge about one or more subjects that few people can match. And they are missing out on all of that! Sad loss for them that they are too lazy to take the time to get to know you better.

Perhaps someone will get a chuckle out of that, at least. Or perhaps a flash of insight when you recognize the truth - that only a select few are capable of appreciating your greatness. Your challenge is to seek out those enlightened few.
You hit the nail on the head with that one. Who would want to be one of the masses, mindlessly going through life based on socially driven priorities? I know this doesn't describe all NT's. I work with some NT's that are very capable, but most seem to more interested in keeping up with their friends than getting it right.

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