Money issues? Might be true but....most piano teachers just want their students to become concert pianists. Then they teach by forcing the students to play etudes or crazy czerny without any understanding at all.
Repeat Czerny exercices a lot and you will become a concert pianist.
I guess just repeat something is not workng for me. The worst is the singing teachers who just ask me to sing while they play the piano. My current teacher says I need ear training so she makes me sing first with piano and then without. She says it's not an aspie issue at all. The aspie issue is communicating what you need and understanding what you need.
My teacher also uses acting techniques. Singing is all about taking you speaking voice into singing.
What do you think is the aspie issues? Don't we just say that everything an aspies struggle with is an aspie issue?
The question is always: wjat is asperger's syndrome?
I say this: having issues that you must work with in a very concrete way. Aspies ussually have difficulties with working memory so don't woek with too many things at once.
You have a point. Frankly, I know little about teaching instruments myself. I teach languages to kids that long before coming to me learn to hate the subject, not to hobbyists and potential musicians.
Although, in my experience, many things need to be learnt simply through repetition. This is how I learnt guitar and drawing. What else can you do but repeat and try to do it better each time? I can't really imagine a different way of learning these things but through regular exercises of similar pieces. But then, maybe that's exactly what you speak of when you mention autism. A very specific way of doing things.
Never heard of a different one. What other ways are there? What else could be done?