I find that the inevitable judgement that we all get eats away at me. It almost rots me from the inside and I end up seething and bitter about it. I replay conversations in my head and come back with witty replies that I never actually said in real life because I didn't think fast enough. Self distructive vs self assured is a good description of it.
So when I tumble into the spiral (often), I fall back on visualizations. My favorite one is garden weeds. The last time someone judged me, they said that they didn't trust me and I came across as cold and unfeeling. I am not unfeeling, I outright hate them, that's a feeling right? But I never think of anything decent to say at the time, only later. And afterwards, when it eats away at me and I replay the conversation. When this happens, I picture it as a weed in my head. I imagine pulling the weed out and throwing it away. I then imagine a field of perfect green grass on a summers day. Each time the conversation pops back into my head, I repeat the process. After I've thrown it away I relax my shoulders and look around, reminding myself that it's not real. I remind myself that whoever said it is small and irrelevant and really doesn't mean anything to me. That I am me and am happy with the way I am. Then it pops back when I'm not paying attention and I throw it away again. After a time I find that the anger just goes away and I can even look at the person with fresh eyes. So that works for me.