I’m feeling very out of sort since yesterday. My sibling and I went further Christmas shopping, and I found that a little overwhelming. This is not a complaint about Christmas or Christmas shopping, I find it stressful but a lot of people do anyway. What really affected me was that the realization that I’m virtually socially awkward and isolating myself. Obviously, I know that this is down to my AS but it still doesn’t make this easier. I was wearing suitable clothing choices for the weather, plus I’m still sick, so chose to wear a hat. I look a bit stupid in a hat, but at least I was warm. I went into a shop to get some items for my parents, and felt very intimidated by the cashier. I can’t deal with people asking me something (very quickly in talking) and I don’t know if I’m perceiving it wrong (probable) but I felt that the cashier judged me and was like” what the fudge is wrong with her” when I turned to get my sibling to translate what the woman had said. It wouldn’t have bothered me near as much if it hadn’t have happened more than once in other shops, and then had it confirmed by my sibling that yes, I’m behaving in a way that others think is weird.
I’m obviously out of practice because I could at least fake some form of “normal “ behavior albeit becoming highly drained afterwards. I feel very hurt by it. I don’t like to be judged. And yet, that happened. And now I’m stupidly over analyzing it all to see where I went wrong, but it’s all of it.
I’m obviously out of practice because I could at least fake some form of “normal “ behavior albeit becoming highly drained afterwards. I feel very hurt by it. I don’t like to be judged. And yet, that happened. And now I’m stupidly over analyzing it all to see where I went wrong, but it’s all of it.