The only deficiency I have is Vitamin D, which is genetic (mother has it).
Ive suffered from all this for as long as I can remember.
I'm not giving up caffeine without a fight

I really have such a horrible life long severe insomnia, timed with my medication makes me drowsy.
If I get noticeably drowsy again, someone will kill me out of frustration.
This week I've walked plenty due to work and getting all the damn product out the door... It doesn't make me feel better, since i get physical pain from a muscular/neurological problem i was born with
Walking HURTS as does most physical movement!
It doesn't help that my family is the way it is and my grandmothers are hell bent on making me normal before they die. they are also quite hard on me while sparring the other grandchildren the axe (I'm the oldest and male)
My life has never been conducive to me, but to be fair i'd still be this way if it was conducive to me. My mother has all this stuff to a severe level, thus being born male I was born with a loaded gun.
if you're a guy and one of your parents have any medical issues, especially severe ones, you have an extremely high chance of getting it in a severe form based on gene distribution based on each chromosome. Its the big downside of having one of each chromosome.
I digress...