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[blank] the nhs

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I've come close to suicide several times in the past. But when I look back, I am so happy and grateful that it was never brought to completion.

Lots of hugs. you have all of us here who understand you.
please have a read of this; Suicide: Read This First which have always found helpful when feeling suicidal,and either go to an accident and emergency department now where they can asess the situation [it doesnt necessarily mean sectioning,three independant doctors have to assess to agree on a sectioning,its better to go voluntarily for freedoms sake] ,or if are certain are able to hang on one night,book an emergency appointment with the gp tomorow-suicidal thinking and/or action is classed as an emergency and they will give same day appointments for it.

as for arsehole NHS staff ,theres arseholes everywhere who question peoples autism, even mine has been questioned by past support staff and people on the internet because am severely classic autistic but only have mild intelectual disability-a lot of people assume it goes hand in hand with severe or profound intelectual disability.

not all NHS staff are like that though,am supported by the best guys in the business; the social services NHS intelectual disability team,supported by their CSWs,nurses,pyschologist, pyschiatrist,OT and SALT as well as the social workers themselves, have always been understood by them they are a lifeline and am currently seeing several of them twice a week because of increased severe challenging behavior and being severely depressed at the moment as well.
Yes, whatever everyone says about emergency services is action#1. I wish we could know that she went and did that.
Yes, whatever everyone says about emergency services is action#1. I wish we could know that she went and did that.
she might just be seriously suicidal in thinking,rather than actively attempting it.
if she believed she was of the suicidal thinking type;she woud be better off waiting till tomorow for a emergency appointment with the GP rather than going to AandE at night time because it will be full of noisy drunks,and other people in severe mental distress which will have an impact on the MH crisis team who come down to assess MH patients- lots of waiting.

if a person truly believes they can hold on till the next day without harming themselves,its much better,a GP can prescribe anti depressants and its less likely to end in an inpatient stay if the patient is co operative,hospital stays for many people on the spectrum can be more harm than good.
she might just be seriously suicidal in thinking,rather than actively attempting it.
if she believed she was of the suicidal thinking type;she woud be better off waiting till tomorow for a emergency appointment with the GP rather than going to AandE at night time because it will be full of noisy drunks,and other people in severe mental distress which will have an impact on the MH crisis team who come down to assess MH patients- lots of waiting.

if a person truly believes they can hold on till the next day without harming themselves,its much better,a GP can prescribe anti depressants and its less likely to end in an inpatient stay if the patient is co operative,hospital stays for many people on the spectrum can be more harm than good.
That is true and good advice. There are some hospitals near me that have quiet, separate psych emergency units but that is not true everywhere. It is hard to know the level of emergency and intention here in her case. It sounds very serious. She was saying she has a rope. It is often said that when there is a stated method or plan, it is very serious. We can only go by what is written here by her. I wonder if there is really an exact correct type of advice that can be given with little information. I am sure crisis hotline people are trained in the correct guidance. But then even they do not always succeed all cases of suicide that first call a hotline.
Nothing to hang in for, and hi thanks but I really don't want to talk to anyone right now

That's when it's best to just live one day at a time. Leave nothing to overwhelm you other than the next sunrise. Sometimes that's all you can do. And it happens a lot to me too.

I have chronic clinical depression and OCD comorbid to my self-diagnosed ASD. Gave up meds years ago to be myself. The downside is that if nothing specific triggers my depression, eventually it just happens. It's just part of my life which I cannot escape from.

So I let my "future" be no more than the next day. No communicating required.
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Thanks, I'm gunna see how things go til next Thursday and then gunna see how I feel, I don't think much is going to change but then at least people can't say I haven't tried. If not there is always things I can do to prevent fear when I have had enough and need to escape life
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