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Blocking threads

I guess it's easier to ignore nasty trolls than people you became close too :| I can ignore trolls just as easy but when someone on DA betrays me ...
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It's a bit more complicated than that lol I fully understand it but if I don't work out after a while I get small looking arms with the fat hanging down. I think I have more fat on my body than muscle ..

That's why one shouldn't work out in phases, but keep going at it. Falling back into old habits and lifestyle often is the main reason people have a hard time getting back to the gym (or any excercise).
I think some topics should be off limits or limited by the entire forum. I get not wanting to censor to a degree but there are some topics that should be off limits.
I think some topics should be off limits or limited by the entire forum. I get not wanting to censor to a degree but there are some topics that should be off limits.

I suspect some topics are just that....in accordance with what the admins and mods decide. Usually highly polarized subjects. But it's ultimately their call. I'm ok with that.
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I should also had mentioned that I dislike fighting and rarely did I fight out of anger. I have to be pushed and pushed and pushed or backed up in a corner ...

Sometimes I brought it unto myself because I have a smash mouth or like to run my mouth when competing ...

What if we had a content warning page before hand ? Or how about a set of options to filter out like swearing and etc ?
I'm hearing a lot of arguments here about "Oh it's the Internet you have to have a thick skin!" but at the same time there's a sense of community that I've found here (judging from what others have said in the past, quite a unique one) and if someone raises a concern I think it should at least be considered, SERIOUSLY AND WITH RESPECTFUL AND HONEST DIALOGUE, even if the results are unpleasant to some parties, rather than be lightly dismissed out-of-hand--that alone would go a long way. Yes, as moderators our hands are often tied, we can't start censoring everything, but I think we're still all human beings and deserve a high level of respect even if we don't particularly like that person.
On what Arashi said, I believe as this is a discussion forum we should be able to speak freely about whatever we please, but, especially considering the circumstances of most of ir members, some may be more sensitive than others.

So I'm wondering if there is a way for an individual member to "block" a thread, or mark it as permanently read or even invisible? So even if the majority of the forum would like to continue to discuss, that one individual doesn't have to see that particular thread at all. Out of sight out of mind. Is that possible to do?
Sounds like a good idea. It would make hings easier for some members. Since e are all sensitive to different things for different reasons, creating a 'one size fits all' environment is challenging so your idea is a good one.
I never did understood why people online had to be condescending just because someone makes a simple little typo :/
Those are my own typos, GoofKing: I would never point out someone else's. I am a teacher & a bit of a grammar/vocabulary Nazi when it comes to my own writing.
I have a bit of a pet peeve of seeing people down themselves like that :/ It's a hypocritical pet peeve as I do it myself all the time ...
On the forum vendors site I did see a third-party add-on (at cost) that ignores threads. Just not sure how safe or reliable it might be. It does show five positive reviews.

But where there is one there may be others...
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The problem with installing an add-on is that it needs to be maintained. Every add-on that we install has to be tested to make sure it is compatible with future versions of our software, which means more time taken to test before we update our software to new versions. Also every add-on that we install can have a negative impact on speed of the site. That is why we do not install something unless it is something that we feel is necessary for the growth of the site or that will be something that the majority will use.

With that said, we do not close, delete or filter discussions that are not against our rules and I feel it is dangerous to start setting that precedent on here or any other website.
The problem with installing an add-on is that it needs to be maintained. Every add-on that we install has to be tested to make sure it is compatible with future versions of our software, which means more time taken to test before we update our software to new versions. Also every add-on that we install can have a negative impact on speed of the site. That is why we do not install something unless it is something that we feel is necessary for the growth of the site or that will be something that the majority will use.

With that said, we do not close, delete or filter discussions that are not against our rules and I feel it is dangerous to start setting that precedent on here or any other website.

There's not even a way to make it so an individual can prevent just themselves from seeing a certain discussion or forum without an add on? I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm also for being able to control what I do and do not want to see (even if others are thoroughly discussing it).
There's not even a way to make it so an individual can prevent just themselves from seeing a certain discussion or forum without an add on? I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm also for being able to control what I do and do not want to see (even if others are thoroughly discussing it).

No. There is actually no forum software that exists that allows this by default. (That I am aware of at least) You can, however, ignore users who post content you do not like, which does not show that content to you.

Forum software is very complex and adding things to it has to be taken into consideration for cost over benefit. The software we use is over 2000+ files with 10's of thousands lines of code.
The problem with installing an add-on is that it needs to be maintained. Every add-on that we install has to be tested to make sure it is compatible with future versions of our software, which means more time taken to test before we update our software to new versions.

Yep....and with third-party add-ons they can be a real crapshoot, both in functionality and security. Always some degree of risk in applying them. Can't blame your concerns in the long run.

Also your post reminded me that's a real issue with Firefox third-party add-ons. Seems many of them become useless with new versions from Mozilla.
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No. There is actually no forum software that exists that allows this by default. (That I am aware of at least) You can, however, ignore users who post content you do not like, which does not show that content to you.

Forum software is very complex and adding things to it has to be taken into consideration for cost over benefit. The software we use is over 2000+ files with 10's of thousands lines of code.

Just thought I'd ask and see if there were possibilities. Thank you for explaining that out to me. Still wish there was some sort of solution that could make everyone happy but I understand why my suggestion won't be one of them.
Just thought I'd ask and see if there were possibilities. Thank you for explaining that out to me. Still wish there was some sort of solution that could make everyone happy but I understand why my suggestion won't be one of them.

I am always looking for ways to improve the site and have noted this. If something comes along that I think will work for the site without any problems I will make it happen.

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