I love roses
Well-Known Member
I have a habit other people don’t do and I probably need to find a way to stop. People can look at me oddly when I do it. Most people do this too but not near as grand a scale. Like a fisherman describing a fish will hold up two hands and say the fish was this long. But I see in pictures, so if I describe a memory or objects or anything, I stop looking at the person, temporarily go completely into the movie or scene playing in my mind and use my hands and body posture to describe what I see in my imagination. Like I was describing people during the Great Depression making dresses from calico cotton material that sacks of wheat flour came it. In my mind I saw a pink floral printed flower sack and beside it a blue printed floral design of large flowers and I was choosing my dress sewing cloth. I wonder what on earth I look like to people when I do that as I’m pointing at these invisible to them flour sacks that are in the recesses of my mind. I don’t realize how silly I may look to them until i’ve gone too far. I almost got bit by a dog once acting something out. When I try to remember how to spell or I need to refer to street signs, I see actual black print type on a white page. I don’t think I always have to see black type on a page but I catch it sometimes, maybe when more concentration is needed. My body is overly animated in conversation. I didn’t know I did it until I saw myself on a video clip on TV. Everyone stood perfectly still except me. I was bobbing about as I spoke. My daughter does it and I thought it silly until I found out I also do it. Most people stand perfectly still while talking.