The bully is usually a very unhappy person.
It was always a handful of people that bullied me. Never the majority. Most were afraid, and stayed clear for fear they would become targets.
Never the majority, for most people do not come from the families these children come from.
My mother explained this to me. She said the segment of the population that become bullies, often come from dysfunctional homes. These children that bully, are brought up in households where they have been either intimidated emotionally/emotionally abused, made to feel helpless and/or even physically abused.
It's a rather subconscious act when a person becomes a bully. They enter school and quickly figure out that they can finally be powerful, unlike at home. This makes them feel powerful. They are no longer the victim, but the person holding that power over another. They enlist friends who either come from that environment, or enlist other students to follow suit and bully alongside of them via fear.
And yes, the best targets are those who appear helpless, weak, shy or different. Even better if those targets do not have friends to back them up when approached.
Damaged goods she called them. People to be pitied. Together, she and I worked around tactics to deal with that population.
I met one of them (an ex-bully from grade school) on the FaceBook format, 40 years later. I had simply been posting new puppy videos. Nothing better than a dog video! As you can imagine is quite the joyful time in our lives.
I had been encouraged to 'friend' this person, via a grade school classmate/acquaintance. I said ok Bonnie yeah ok sure. What the H... FB means little to me eh. Next thing I know, the ex-bully person messaged me on her birthday and to be polite I said oh it's your birthday.. HB so and so.
She flies down my throat and says Happy???? Oh yeah, you have that happy life of yours. What do you know of my miserable life!
Just goes to show, yeah all that is true. The bullies are miserable, often abused unhappy people. Truly damaged goods as my mom would explain. You wouldn't want their lives.