It depends on what your situation in Norway is. In Florida, we have hurricanes and tornados that can interrupt power and supply chains. My Florida home have been out of power for 8-10 days after a hurricane. Even if you can get to stores, they are closed due to no power, or if they are open, they are sold out of everything useful. Sometime last year, I think it was, some hacking took down communications for routing trucks, or something like that. So it is not unreasonable for someone like me to have stocks of things.Hm, now I'm a little worried I don't have enough food. Most things I buy a lot of and stockpile, is non-food items or food items that has a long shelf life. I live alone so if I buy a lot of food, it expires before I can eat it. I do also buy some extra food but I don't have a lot of it.
Our emergency management wants people to have a minimum of three days supplies of food, water and medicine. A week is better. I live in a very rural area, the last to have power returned, so I plan more. I also like to keep things one can eat without cooking, ie. canned food. I can cook; I have camp stoves, etc. But I rarely want to.
To be honest, I have enjoyed the periods of time I've been without electricity.
So any stocking up you do would be based on your location. Are you anywhere near the underwater stocks of seeds? That's where I would want to be in the event of a nuclear war. Provided there is enough food and fresh water.