Well-Known Member
I suspect that a lot of people are in the uncanny valley, where they are not seen as having different cognition, but they are instead seen as ugly in their manner of being, and that's all the justification the world needs to exclude you and worse. Furthermore, I've seen an obviously physically disabled woman get honked at on the street for limping across the sidewalk with her paralyzed hand held up in the air. That's what they're like. I was initially put off of motorcycling because I realized that most of the courtesy you witness on the road is actually predicated on the question of how much damage a collision would cause. It's the same character or lack thereof at work. So, don't ever assume that identifying with a condition will get you sympathy. The vulnerability it projects can outweigh that, and you may not be happy with what you learn about human nature.I've seen people get visibly frustrated with my thought process.. I try to save my over thinking and pondering for my diary now. (Or maybe here too lol). I guess most people don't like to think critically or ruminate quite like autistics do. I was even described by a shrink as "over inclusive in detail". I actually took offense at that for a short while!
With that kind of programme I think they're a non threatening type of disabled where as people like you and me who are less obviously disabled are in the uncanny valley.
It's not often hate or derision I get, sometimes maybe a cringe at most and walking away. Crushing all the same though. Yes it could be their insecurities.
Yes, people think my thought process is exhausting. That's how my mind works. I get tired easily, it's extra effort for me to reach out to others, but I can solve problems other people can't or won't.