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Can we have a PPR please?

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the feeling that argument is frowned on here. :)

OliveOilMom, I am really new here, & don''t speak for the site or any of its members! My comments are just my own feeling & opinion. So wait to see what others have to say ... & also be yourself, & if any discussion gets closed down, so be it!

It may just be that I frown on argument! :P

And I feel a bit protective of a few here, including my friend, the very chilly Penguin.:penguin:
... post and talk about general topics and things that go on in life, but I've looked and looked and there isn't a good general forum out there, so I guess I'll just keep my opinions and my personal life and any issues that bother me that aren't related to autism to myself.

I don't think any of this means you "have to keep your opinions & personal life & issues that bother you that are unrelated to autism" to yourself!! Find the discussion title that best meets what you want to discuss, maybe under general discussions, open a Discussion & go for it. There are all sorts of random discussions about what people think about this or that.

This has been another disaster for me here on AC where I feel I should not have gotten involved & posted anything!!!! :eek:

I just hated to see any nastiness sneak into what is such a lovely forum.:cherryblossom:
Aww you've removed your avatar & quote about your dog! :( Check out the discussion threads. There are a lot of interesting topics & there is not an 'autism topic' only rule. And I am LOL because I'm personally with you about the victimization thing, & the ism's, & not liking a 'politically correct' environment & the whole micro-aggression overly sensitive thing that many people have going on today!!! Two of my pet peeves are entitlement feelings :D & conspiracy theories!! :D

I don't think anyone here would call you names or consider you 'ageist' for wanting to date within a certain age group if you were single! OMG more lol :D

But this is just a very respectful forum where members seem to care about each other ... which is a really nice thing! SO why don't you stay awhile & give it a chance. Did you scan through the old discussions?

I'm not leaving or anything, I just got rid of the dog and stuff. I didn't go through the old topics because I don't like to necropost.

I didn't leave because I was called names there lol. Far from it. I'm very thick skinned and it takes a lot to insult me, and I give it right back as good as I get. I left because it was an ongoing thing that just kept getting worse and not better. ie; we shouldn't say something is "lame" because it's offensive to people who can't walk, even though nobody uses the term for that anymore and the only time I've heard it used in that context is about horses; people got very offended when somebody said that autistics get treated like lepers in society instead of "people with Hansen's disease" because "leper" has negative connotations, which were the exact connotations the speaker intended, etc etc etc. Then it became an issue that we shouldn't tell people who have trouble with people not liking them that they should work on social skills and change some aspects of how they come across, it also turned into how parents of autistic kids shouldn't try and "change" them by teaching them to fit in with society even though parents of NT kids have to do the exact same thing.

I didn't take my stuff down in a snit at all. I'm new here. I'm also VERY aware of how I can come across, and not only does it not have anything to do with AS, I didn't know exactly how far the "has to be pertinent content to AS" rule would go and since I don't know the mods here, I wasn't taking any chances. Another thing is, I know I can come across like a real b*tch even when I don't want to and I didn't want to be banned and unable to delete my dog afterwards lol. I don't plan on being banned or doing anything rude on purpose, I got a little gunshy when I saw that they were hesitant to have debates like that because it could upset somebody, and that made me wonder if the tone of the place was going to be one where things were scrutinized and so I didn't know what to expect so I wasn't taking chances. That was actually me trying to comply, not me trying to be a smart*ss lol.
I don't think any of this means you "have to keep your opinions & personal life & issues that bother you that are unrelated to autism" to yourself!! Find the discussion title that best meets what you want to discuss, maybe under general discussions, open a Discussion & go for it. There are all sorts of random discussions about what people think about this or that.

This has been another disaster for me here on AC where I feel I should not gotten involved & posted anything!!!!

:eek: I just hated to see any nastiness sneak into what is such a lovely forum.:cherryblossom:

No, no, no. You really are fine! Really! I wasn't reacting negatively to you at all. I was trying to watch myself because I know how I'm taken, many times. I'm not very good at talking to sensitive people a lot, or people who are really big on rules and such. I wasn't trying to me smarmy, trust me. If i was, I would have posted something smarmy lol. I was just trying to watch out because I'm new and don't know the place. I came here actually thinking it would be a more laid back version of WP. I'm VERY laid back and I thought "uh oh, it's not laid back" so I backed up some. Thats all. You did nothing at all wrong sweetie. Really! I promise that you didn't, and I would explain how I took it if I took offense. I didn't at all! You should CERTAINLY say what you feel!

I do come across as abraisive a lot and many times people take a huge offense to what I say. I just got ticked at WP because a certain large group took offense to everything that everybody said that didn't fit into their way of thinking and instead of that just being seen and noted, it started getting enforced. It got weird.

You didn't do ANYTHING WRONG AT ALL! I promise!!! ((hugs))
Also I put the thing about not having to do with AS etc, because I had read that earlier. I didn't know how far that extended. As I said in another thread, some people with AS see things in a very black and white way and I didn't know how the mods enforce things yet. I didn't know if it was black and white, or lots of grey areas or whether or not harmless things were seen as harmless even if they do technically violate a rule, etc. I'm new and don't know the forum standards yet. I didn't want to stick my toe in the water and get it bit by sharks lol.
I'm not leaving or anything, I just got rid of the dog and stuff. I didn't go through the old topics because I don't like to necropost.

I didn't leave because I was called names there lol. Far from it. I'm very thick skinned and it takes a lot to insult me, and I give it right back as good as I get. I left because it was an ongoing thing that just kept getting worse and not better. ie; we shouldn't say something is "lame" because it's offensive to people who can't walk, even though nobody uses the term for that anymore and the only time I've heard it used in that context is about horses; people got very offended when somebody said that autistics get treated like lepers in society instead of "people with Hansen's disease" because "leper" has negative connotations, which were the exact connotations the speaker intended, etc etc etc. Then it became an issue that we shouldn't tell people who have trouble with people not liking them that they should work on social skills and change some aspects of how they come across, it also turned into how parents of autistic kids shouldn't try and "change" them by teaching them to fit in with society even though parents of NT kids have to do the exact same thing.

I didn't take my stuff down in a snit at all. I'm new here. I'm also VERY aware of how I can come across, and not only does it not have anything to do with AS, I didn't know exactly how far the "has to be pertinent content to AS" rule would go and since I don't know the mods here, I wasn't taking any chances. Another thing is, I know I can come across like a real b*tch even when I don't want to and I didn't want to be banned and unable to delete my dog afterwards lol. I don't plan on being banned or doing anything rude on purpose, I got a little gunshy when I saw that they were hesitant to have debates like that because it could upset somebody, and that made me wonder if the tone of the place was going to be one where things were scrutinized and so I didn't know what to expect so I wasn't taking chances. That was actually me trying to comply, not me trying to be a smart*ss lol.
I hear you. As for me, anyone who is a decent person, & has a good sense of humor is a good one in my book. So pleased to meet you! :)
You didn't do ANYTHING WRONG AT ALL! I promise!!! ((hugs))

Oh good, & thanks! & I am sorry because I feel badly that you may have removed your avatar etc.. in part because of what I wrote - which was really just my own opinion & I do not speak for the site or its many long time members. I am sure you will be perfectly fine here.

I also had not noticed until just now that this Discussion was opened in the "Site Q's, Suggestions & Feedback". I thought it was under a general discussion forum!!! :)
Oh good, & thanks! & I am sorry because I feel badly that you may have removed your avatar etc.. in part because of what I wrote - which was really just my own opinion & I do not speak for the site or its many long time members. I am sure you will be perfectly fine here.

I also had not noticed until just now that this Discussion was opened in the "Site Q's, Suggestions & Feedback". I thought it was under a general discussion forum!!! :)

I don't mind discussing it at all lol. It wasn't your comment that I read that in, it was in the general rules that I actually read when a mod posted the link to it in answer to the question and how it covered something about it. Thats where I got that from. I didn't take it that the writer of the rules was trying to be heavy handed or anything either. A forum owner can decide on any rules for their forum and it's up to them what those rules are, so that didn't bother me at all either. Like I said, I was afraid that rules might be interpreted way too literally or way too black and white, because we do have that tendency lol. Dogs aren't my special interest so I got rid of it. Also, that rule may be strictly enforced so like I said I didn't want it to be stuck there if I got kicked out lol. People have themselves or anime (a well known aspie special interest) etc as their avatars, so I was just being extra careful about the rules until I get to know how strictly they are enforced.

Thats just me, not anything anybody did. It wasn't being smarmy or smart*ss or anything like that at all.

You can PM me if you want. I've still looked for how to send one but can't find the link on profile pages and my memory is so bad right now because of menopause (DON'T get me started on that unless you want pages and pages of menopause and perimenopause related discussion that will make every male who reads it swear off the computer for life lol!) that I can't remember the spelling of the usernames from one minute to the next. I remember things from years ago just fine but I couldn't tell you what someone said to me five minutes ago. I hope it's not senility and I hope it's also not alzheimers, but luckily I haven't been a hypochondriac in years so I'm not going to obsess over them yet. I'll wait till I get hormones and they start working and then see whats up. I get my insurance in about a week and I'll go see the dr. Yay! It'll also probably help my b*tchiness. :-)
Also, Suzanne, you can PM me too if you want to have a PM discussion of religion. One of my special interests used to be religions and I'm very interested in them even if I don't believe in it or want to convert or anything. I love talking about religions. I may debate facts about religions but never debate the religions themselves or tell someone they shouldn't believe in it. An example of that would be people who say that the Catholic church added things to the bible - I'd talk about how Constantine had the Bible compiled and how later on Luther removed books from it, verses from other books and even some books from the Gospels. I wouldn't ever debate where those parts were inspired by God, or if any of it was at all. That's personal belief and I'd probably be more interested in what the person believed and why and then ask them tons of questions about their religion though, and only because I'm interested. It may sound like a cross examination but it wouldn't be to make a point or something or try and prove that they shouldn't believe in it.

As for JW's, I'm familiar. My grandfather used to get the Watchtower and Awake and I used to love to read those stories. Also, my youngest daughters friend several years ago was a JW. Her mother was really into it and all and I got really nervous when she came over unannounced to pick her daughter up and of course I invited her in but before I thought about it I brought her into the den where the bookshelf was and all my Pagan related books were there, my cauldron was by the fireplace and above it was this beautiful decoration that I used to have which was a huge pentagram that I put together out of those little toy witch's brooms they sell around Halloween at the dollar store and I would decorate it for different seasons. I thought "oh no! She's gonna take her daughter home and never let her come back!" but she wasn't like that at all. She asked me questions about my beliefs and I asked her some about hers and we had a great time talking religions. I'm in a VERY small, backwoods town in the Deep South in the middle of the Bible Belt, and a lot of my kids friends parents never found out that I'm Pagan because a lot of them would freak out about it.

Anyway, I'll stop typing long posts about other topics on this thread, I did get the hint ;-) But Suzanne, PM me if you want to and we can have a discussion about religions. If you want to add some people to it that would be cool too if you want.
Like I said, I was afraid that rules might be interpreted way too literally or way too black and white, because we do have that tendency lol. Dogs aren't my special interest so I got rid of it. Also, that rule may be strictly enforced so like I said I didn't want it to be stuck there if I got kicked out lol. People have themselves or anime (a well known aspie special interest) etc as their avatars, so I was just being extra careful about the rules until I get to know how strictly they are enforced.

I think you'll find that a lot of people with AS, or at least on this forum, love animals, have pets, and/or include animals in their profile pic. It is not a special interest for most of them, either. Animal pics are very common, and I'm sure it cheers people up...unlike my creepy pic ;)
We do not plan to change our policy on politics or religion. While some may be able to debate these type of topics reasonably, we do not want our members or moderators becoming frustrated with the influx of these types of topics and the overhead that comes with moderating them to insure that they adhere to our rules.
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