I'm not leaving or anything, I just got rid of the dog and stuff. I didn't go through the old topics because I don't like to necropost.
I didn't leave because I was called names there lol. Far from it. I'm very thick skinned and it takes a lot to insult me, and I give it right back as good as I get. I left because it was an ongoing thing that just kept getting worse and not better. ie; we shouldn't say something is "lame" because it's offensive to people who can't walk, even though nobody uses the term for that anymore and the only time I've heard it used in that context is about horses; people got very offended when somebody said that autistics get treated like lepers in society instead of "people with Hansen's disease" because "leper" has negative connotations, which were the exact connotations the speaker intended, etc etc etc. Then it became an issue that we shouldn't tell people who have trouble with people not liking them that they should work on social skills and change some aspects of how they come across, it also turned into how parents of autistic kids shouldn't try and "change" them by teaching them to fit in with society even though parents of NT kids have to do the exact same thing.
I didn't take my stuff down in a snit at all. I'm new here. I'm also VERY aware of how I can come across, and not only does it not have anything to do with AS, I didn't know exactly how far the "has to be pertinent content to AS" rule would go and since I don't know the mods here, I wasn't taking any chances. Another thing is, I know I can come across like a real b*tch even when I don't want to and I didn't want to be banned and unable to delete my dog afterwards lol. I don't plan on being banned or doing anything rude on purpose, I got a little gunshy when I saw that they were hesitant to have debates like that because it could upset somebody, and that made me wonder if the tone of the place was going to be one where things were scrutinized and so I didn't know what to expect so I wasn't taking chances. That was actually me trying to comply, not me trying to be a smart*ss lol.