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Can you read faces?

i've watched lots of autistic youtubers, most seem to have subtle facial expressions, i can't make them, i can try to fake them, but i don't think they come out ok most of the time, i don't know if that means their autism is 'lighter'.
I think it is not something that comes naturally to many people, but it is a skill that can be learned. I worked with children with behavior problems for several years and I learned so much for myself when I was using tools to help them identify emotions. I do realize these tools are meant for children, but as an adult, they were very beneficial to me.

We would use cards like this:



I found images of real people (rather than cartoons) to be most helpful. But, no matter how much I learned, it still seems like there is a good amount of guessing that takes place. Context clues are important for understanding someone else's emotions. Asking them how they are feeling is helpful to me as well. Familiarity with a particular person helps, too.
There seems to be a lot of resources to teach about facial expression, including software.

I don't have problems with most facial expressions, but it seems that I compensate by reading the entire body. I tried to do the test in which you have to guess the feeling by looking at eyes. I had to answer at random. I can't do it. But I can read the entire person.

What I'm trying to say is that you may have other skills that compensate with problems reading faces. I have problems recognizing people or remembering faces that I don't see often.
There seems to be a lot of resources to teach about facial expression, including software.

I don't have problems with most facial expressions, but it seems that I compensate by reading the entire body. I tried to do the test in which you have to guess the feeling by looking at eyes. I had to answer at random. I can't do it. But I can read the entire person.

What I'm trying to say is that you may have other skills that compensate with problems reading faces. I have problems recognizing people or remembering faces that I don't see often.

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