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I just saw a post on Facebook about the upcoming “Autism Awareness Month” (In April).
I wish I knew how to make social movements go forward. I want to see this happen.
The narcissists would like that...Oh! Why don't we have a Narcissism awareness month!? Everyone can talk about what it is, how to spot it and healthy ways to practice kindness and compassion with each other? Plus, think of the marketing opportunities!
I think that's normal for a lot of us.I have a sort of simplistic, childlike view of the world. I see patterns that no one else sees. And my memory works different too. Also I can hyperfocus and learn things at a really fast rate until it's like the information surrounds me like electrons, and the new information becomes my exciting new reality, where everything I experience is seen in its relation to this new information. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's like a superpower.