lolcatal - I have an idea. Belief and faith are precious, but fragile. A crisis of faith is normal. Like that was what Daredevil was about. You get hurt and lose your faith, then slowly get it back. Someone will then likely try and control it, to keep it, or secure it. We like to remake the world in our own image, so you have to believe as I do. or I want to put, or inject myself into the sermon, or Christ message, or my ministry. Re-make it we me in it, my stamp.
The old and new testament are historical. They are stuck in that time. Nothing about the future. What did people think back then? No science, no medicine, no fire department, no cellphones, no supermarket, basically no knowledge, and very primitive morality. All the stories reflect the people at the time they were written. Nazareth was a city of a 100 people. No one could afford a sword or a shield. If someone wanted to kill you out of envy, they could do it, and maybe get away with it. Maybe this was considered normal, something that happens now and then. Women and children were considering property. the idea of loving your wife or husband would happen 1600 years later. (remember Topol struggling with this idea in Fiddler on the Roof?)
The last one is painful. A literal interruption of the religious text, or fundamentalism. This is for control. Nothing to do with religion. It is a hijacking. It creeped into society as a punishing God. Most Christians are non-dogmatic, yet the impression is they are not. It is the sensationalism of the news that does this. News is a business. If you want articles on non-dogmatic Christians you have to click on them. Otherwise you won't get them.