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Clothing labels/tags irritation.

You know, I was about to say 'I don't get bothered by tags on clothes' but then I realized something: my clothes either don't have tags at all (I'm pretty sure all my t-shirts are like this and I exclusively wear t-shirts) or the tags don't make contact with my skin (like I'm pretty sure my pants have tags on them but I don't feel them because, uhh, well my underwear is in the way).

And then when I think about it and remember, back when I did have to wear clothes with tags (I hated school) that I could actually feel on my skin, I was always uncomfortable with it.

So uhh I guess it does bother me but I just haven't worn those types of clothes in so long that I forgot about it.
Not all tags bother me, but the ones that do I have to cut them off or put bandaids on them. I will scratch and it will irritate my skin. I have been like that ever since I was a kid. When I would come from school, my mom would freak out because I would have a big red patch on my back with scratch marks.
Not all tags bother me, but the ones that do I have to cut them off or put bandaids on them. I will scratch and it will irritate my skin. I have been like that ever since I was a kid. When I would come from school, my mom would freak out because I would have a big red patch on my back with scratch marks.

Same - I don't mind tags if they're soft. It's just the sharp plastic-y ones or with textures that otherwise don't mesh well that get to me.
Tags used to drive me crazy as a kid, these days I forget that they are a thing that even exists.

Now, buttons on the other hand, bleeeeeeeeeech, I wont wear anything that has those horrid things on it.
I want to note that not all printed labels are made equal.

Some are pretty good at surviving many washes. That's fine.

Some, like Leslie Jordan, simply peel off over time (that's okay, and not pictured here for self-explanatory reasons).

Some fade out, and that's okay too.

What's not cool is that some labels seem to be printed with some sort of rubber, and after some washes they actually kind of end up as a bit of a sticky mess, which can get very uncomfortable, and on hot days, that sticky mess can stick to you and be outright intolerable, in which case I may have to tape over it.


Fortunately, the rubber-label-sticky-mess is a phase. Below are three garments from the same brand. The bottom one has a nearly original label that just starting to get a bit sticky, the middle one is in sticky phase, and the top one is well washed and so the rubberiness has washed off and so we're down to the outline of the label, which is fine.

As in the title I guess. How many of you guys get driven to distraction by the labels or tags on your clothing? I know perhaps it's a cliché, but I have been wondering if it's as common as people say.

This has always been a major sensory issue for me as far back as I can remember. T-shirts, underwear, trousers/pants would drive me to tears when I was a kid if they still had the label attached.

I had eczema when I was a kid and the irritation was chalked up to this. But the eczema went away and the irritation stayed.

I've been known to basically loose my temper with them a bit and just yank them out of work uniforms etc.

I try to cut the labels off my clothes but sometimes I forget. I have loads of t-shirts with small holes in where the impromptu removal of the label caused collateral damage.

Why on earth do those little pieces of textile feel like someone is rubbing my skin with fibreglass wool? They seem to be worse if they go through the wash.

I've noticed that some t-shirt manufacturers now stamp the care info and size on the back of the t-shirt under the collar. I really appreciate them doing that, though occasionally they hide a label too on the left seam near the waste, just to lull me into a false sense of security lol!

It's always puzzled me that they can cause so much hassle when they are so small.
I will cuncur with others. The greatest advancement in the history of clothing is when they started printing the labels directly on the cloth instead of a separate label. The label always seemed to stick in th bact of the neck. Removing the label did no good. since the sewed it in like it was going to be used to pull the Titanic. The seams that were left were almost as bad as the label. For what its worth, I also can't wear most sweaters, the texture makes my skin crawl.
I will cuncur with others. The greatest advancement in the history of clothing is when they started printing the labels directly on the cloth instead of a separate label. The label always seemed to stick in th bact of the neck. Removing the label did no good. since the sewed it in like it was going to be used to pull the Titanic. The seams that were left were almost as bad as the label. For what its worth, I also can't wear most sweaters, the texture makes my skin crawl.
I have a problem with those horrible cheap synthetic wool sweaters, the type they used to make for school uniforms. I HATED my school uniform sweater. I could perceive the fibres rubbing together. It's hard to put into words but it was like the folds of the material made this squeaking noise, but I could feel it. So I used to take my sweater off all the time at school and then get into trouble.

I guess the way I could describe it is if you've ever hand washed clothes, as you rub the material with the detergent on there's like this creaking, squeaking sensation or sound. My sweater always felt like it was going "uh-er uh-eh" like a creaky door hinge. It made it feel like my arm joints needed oiling lol! Like the tin man in the wizard of Oz!
I like sweaters, especially wool sweaters for their warmth. But I always put on a long sleeve shirt underneath, with at least a mock turtleneck collar, so it doesn't itch. I still feel it but I can handle it for the warmth. Cotton sweaters are fine too, they don't itch but I don't like the overall feel as much.
I absolutely hate clothing tags and always have. Printed is much better (when made right) although it's not like I look at the print much even after I buy it since I know my sizes (roughly since all clothing brands seem to have a different definition of what sizes are.) I also cut tags off of other products like pillows and blankets and towels as those can be very annoying for something like those.

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