Active Member
If you had enough cash you could buy your own espresso machine, but that comes at a price of course.
My brother got an espresso machine for my parents sometime in the early 1990s. They thought it was pretentious as all get out, but I loved it.
I don't know where it is today. Probably in the bottom of some landfill, hardly ever used.
I used to love Starbucks until I became a coffee snob. The dangers of good taste, eh?
Back in the day, when coffee shops were this big new thing, I used to like Starbucks. Mostly because this whole sit and read and sip coffee aesthetic was so strange to us at the time, so... European... that there weren't really any local shops like that. Of course, the local shops started up, and they were so much better. Their coffee didn't taste burnt, their pastries didn't taste like airline food, and most importantly, they brought their own individual vibe and atmosphere.
I'm usually a person who drinks Tea
I switched from coffee to green tea recently. All of the caffeine, less of the jumpiness.
I'm still a little jumpy though, because I go through a 100g tin of green tea leaves at least once per week.
A cheaper option and my go-to for making coffee is a french press. Although it's not really convenient, the girlfriend says I make good coffee for what it's worth. LOL
French presses are indeed inexpensive, and they're not that inconvenient.
1. Add coffee grounds
2. Add boiling water
3. Wait 4 minutes
4. Press plunger down
5. Enjoy!
Plus, the coffee tastes better than from a drip machine, and way better than from a [shudders audibly] Keurig.
being Canadian I rarely go to Tim Horton's (gasp!)
Being American and from a border state, I've been to Timmy's but they're not everywhere like they are by you. I used to live down the street from one and was in there often enough. Coffee was alright, donuts were alright but nothing compared to our local donut shop,* atmosphere left a lot to be desired. So, I'd go in there for a quick donut and coffee and then hit the road, assuming I didn't just go through the drive-through.
*all the best donut shops I've been to were Asian-owned. Even better than the Italian places. Not sure why that is.
Another reason why I pick my favourite coffee shops is the atmosphere, my favourite coffee shop is in a district just outside downtown that attracts an eclectic variety of people, I have often gotten into random conversations with complete strangers at this shop...
So much this.
It's a meeting place, like a pub, where folk socialise with one another.
Oh yeah. Except people aren't obnoxicated beyond all recognition. I've got nothing against drinking, I just don't like sloppy drunks.
Plus, I can stop interacting with people in a coffee shop and pull out a book, and nobody will think I'm a freak, or proudly tell me how they haven't read a book since high school :/