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Comfy Clothes

I actually have a very hard time with clothes. I am in very good shape, yet I wear everything sizes too big. I hate things with tight fits or that don't have room at the ankles.

I can't deal with tags on shirts and have no idea why they put them on the collars. Even cutting them off leaves reminders and this limits the shirts I can by. I've gotten my mother to take them out with a needle and thread but she finds it ridiculous.

I also don't wear work clothes to work. I can't wear ties or anything that rests on my neck. One of my worst memories is being 7 years old at my mom's sister's wedding and being forced to wear a tie, which I kept removing and having it forced back on in a violent manner.........over and over and over again.

Can't wear any accessories. This goes for watches, rings, necklaces (obviously) and anything else.

If I don't force myself I would get in the habit of wearing the same thing every day despite the fact that I actually like clothes have any more than a closet full of them. I just get into a comfort area with a pair of pants and that is that..........(this I can control though)
I tend to go for soft clothing, or clothing with weaves that I enjoy (like waffle weave)
I like it when I can forget I'm wearing an outfit, like I put it on and don't have to think about it being there

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