We seem to share a lot of commonalities.
I didn't care much for toys in general, and was more interested, if I sought entertainment, in making up my own games with simple things like popsicle sticks, cards, dice, etc.
Nor was I into sports or other group play, though my poor coordination and hypotonia probably didn't help.
One thing I got when I was about 7 or 8 was an encyclopedia set - and I read it one volume at a time, A to Z.
Definitely not normal child behavior. LOL.
I had the erector set, electronics kits, hated sports (also poorly coordinated - still shows at 65).The toys I liked were my Gilbert Chemistry set, an Erector set, and a stereo microscope. I didn't get a bicycle until much later. I was not into the sports the other kids were into. I was not well coordinated and I had poor proprioception.
Kept myself occupied more than interacting with neighbor kids, had zero interest in action figures (dolls, I considered them), would sit with an encyclopedia and read for pleasure, same with dictionary.