I don't have anything against particular persons, i just think the whole idea shouldn't be promoted, less among kids, and gender ideology is bad in general imo.
I'm going to mostly echo what
@Rodafina said here, but I want to say a bit myself too.
Here's a question: would you say this very thing about, say, someone's sexuality? Or, here's a better analogy: Would you say that line related to autism?
The reason I say this is because gender identity shares one very, very specific trait with both sexuality and autism: IT IS NOT A CHOICE.
I promise you this: Nobody would choose to be this way. Nobody suddenly goes "Gee golly, I could use some more utter torment and mental anguish in my life, I think I'll be trans now" or whatever.
And, simply "deciding" to do it wouldnt work in any case. It's not like, say, choosing a color of paint for your room. In the case of that, you simply reason it out... what color fits best for this specific room? You dont pull out an already existing color from inside of the bloody wall using wacky magic.
Someone being transgender, or gay, or autistic, whatever... those things are inherent. You cannot simply add them to someone that does not have those traits... it doesnt work like that. You can only bring the knowledge of that trait to the surface of realization with someone who ALREADY has those traits deep inside. And note, "realization" does not mean "activation". It's not like the transgender aspect lies dormant, inactive, unless someone says the magic word. It is always on. It always was on. It always will be on. It cannot be turned off. But until "realization" occurs, it will not be understood, and will thus be even more torturous. I speak from experience here.
I promise you this: if your kid (or any given kid) is not ALREADY transgender deep inside without ever so much of having heard the word... no amount of talking about it around them will make them so. The idea that it would do so is a myth, generally pushed around by bigots with an agenda of hate. Just like how some people believe a similar thing about autism (yes, really, there are those who think someone can "catch" it if they hear too much about it).
Note that, if that trait is present deep inside, they absolutely still will experience that torment even if they've never heard of the concept and thus dont realize it is in them. They dont have to know what it is, or that it is there, for it to make their life into a living nightmare.
And before you or anyone says it: No, there is no such thing as a transgender "trend". It's not trendy to be this way. That's another frankly stupid myth. The reason the amount of people in this category is rising is simply because more and more knowledge is gained (and thus, understanding of the condition... and knowledge that someone has it... can now be reached. In other words, it is now possible to "diagnose" more easily, so to speak). And also because, over time, just like with homosexuality more and more people are coming around to a point of ACCEPTANCE of those who fall into that category. This process is slow, of course... but it IS happening.
So, the myth of a "trend" is merely an increasing number of people who not only understand enough to come out, but also an increase in the number of those who feel SAFE enough to come out. The actual percentage of true transgender people has not changed, has not increased. It's just that more of them are becoming KNOWN, instead of hidden.
Am I making sense here? Someone let me know if I'm making sense here. Also I apologize if anything I said was redundant. I aint so good with that aspect of communication.
Anyway, as Rodafina said, what is presented to you here and now is a chance to learn more and gain understanding yourself. Just like how it's important to learn about autism so you can better understand and interact with anyone who has it.
Please do feel free to ask any questions you might have directly. Keep in mind, every little thing I'm saying here is from the viewpoint of someone who has been experiencing this since... always. Since always.
Okay I have to stop there, my PC's fans just... turned off. I best go deal with that.