"what is the definition of perfectionism?
I feel more like a frustrated child than a perfectionist.
Also, I often do too much at the same time. Most people can do much at the same time but not me. This makes me super frustrated at times.
I have poor organizing skills. This is common for aspies."
Perfectionism, for me,...is having some vision of what things should be. The frustration, could be, for example,...looking at an apple, then getting frustrated why you can draw a photographic-like representation of that apple. It could be a home project, it could be something for school or work,...whatever. It is that discrepancy between your vision,...keep in mind many autistics think in pictures and are visual learners,...and the reality before them.
Multi-tasking,...it is a myth,...proven by science. What multi-tasking is,...it is quickly flipping your attention from one thing to the next. Autistics, stereotypically, are known for their intense focus. I am one of those people,...and do not multi-task,...despite what the demands are. I work in a busy, metropolitan hospital,...phones and alarms going off all the time,...getting pulled away all the time. The second I try to focus on more than one thing,...mistakes are made. It may frustrate me, it may frustrate others around me, but NO multi-tasking.
The organizing skills,...I think everyone has a "system" that works for them. Mine is check boxes and lists of everything that needs to get done on a particular day,...especially at work. At home, I need to relax, despite my wife having "something" for me to do, and despite my protests,...and I generally avoid the list thing,...but it does work at home, as well.