Pariah Dog
Well-Known Member
A bit late to the party but another welcome CheeseBlues
When I worked retail it actually broke me a fair ways out of my shell rather than back into it. I'm not sure I can provide useful advise but there are probably many here that have been in your shoes. Sometimes these things are a brain chemical imbalance. I would never recommend for someone to take medication that is not needed. In some cases however it works miracles. I have known people who had anxiety so bad they can't even go out side and with some medication they can completely function and live a much happier and fulfilling life.
This is funny. I was also not familiar with this UK term. In Canada or the USA they are "Pay phones" or "phone booths."
It reminds me of when I was playing the game "L.A. Noire" a few years back (One of the best games I have ever played). You play as a detective in Los Angeles in 1947 and it does it's best to create a living open world. Sometimes you have to phone into the police station to speak with someone or to check if there has been messages left for you. The first time I was required to do this I was a bit confused and my mind went sort of blank. Then it hit me... "This is 1947, I have to physically go to a phone somewhere to make a phone call." I laughed to myself and made my way to a phone booth. I thought it a bit funnier because I'm old enough that cell phones didn't really become common enough where most people had them till I was pretty well finished high school.
It starts making me feel older already at 31 when I work with 18 year old's who don't remember a world without cell phones, internet, gps, 16:9 Tv, online shopping, etc
Sorry I don't mean to hijack the thread.
When I worked retail it actually broke me a fair ways out of my shell rather than back into it. I'm not sure I can provide useful advise but there are probably many here that have been in your shoes. Sometimes these things are a brain chemical imbalance. I would never recommend for someone to take medication that is not needed. In some cases however it works miracles. I have known people who had anxiety so bad they can't even go out side and with some medication they can completely function and live a much happier and fulfilling life.
a public telephone
in the uk they were painted red
in the us the ones ive seen in movies are metallic
or on a post
This is funny. I was also not familiar with this UK term. In Canada or the USA they are "Pay phones" or "phone booths."
It reminds me of when I was playing the game "L.A. Noire" a few years back (One of the best games I have ever played). You play as a detective in Los Angeles in 1947 and it does it's best to create a living open world. Sometimes you have to phone into the police station to speak with someone or to check if there has been messages left for you. The first time I was required to do this I was a bit confused and my mind went sort of blank. Then it hit me... "This is 1947, I have to physically go to a phone somewhere to make a phone call." I laughed to myself and made my way to a phone booth. I thought it a bit funnier because I'm old enough that cell phones didn't really become common enough where most people had them till I was pretty well finished high school.
It starts making me feel older already at 31 when I work with 18 year old's who don't remember a world without cell phones, internet, gps, 16:9 Tv, online shopping, etc
Sorry I don't mean to hijack the thread.