I like weighty cups and mugs. Drinks taste awful to me from those thin bone china style cups and mugs. It's a definite known phenomenon. The type of metal used in cutlery can change the perception of taste. There's restaurants that will serve food with copper or gold plated cutlery for example as they believe it enhances the flavour. I saw this on a news report maybe 15 years ago, so I'm not sure if it's a fad that died out by now.Now this post has me thinking. Glasses and mugs have to be a very precise weight. So l shop for weight, aesthetic, and composition. My glasses are multipurpose, lightweight, easy to clean, and are fun to look it. I am like the Martha Stewart of all those products that occupy my shelves. Lol
Years ago I worked in a bar and we had draught beers and cider but they sold identical drinks in cans as people preferred the taste from cans. I don't drink alcohol, but I like coke zero and I definitely notice a bit more of an alkaline taste from a can, but it tastes just the same as bottled to me if I pour it into a glass.
So if ever I have someone ask for a particular type of cup or glass I usually try to find one as I can understand how important it can be to their enjoyment.
I tend to pour cold drinks into plastic cups as I have an awful clumsy habit of smacking my front teeth with the rim of the glass. When we have guests I've noticed that they tend not to drink as much when I've (out of habit) poured them a drink in a plastic cup, so I try to remind myself other people generally prefer glasses

I do like the feel of a weighty glass though. Probably for the same reason I like weighty cups and mugs. I made some glasses out of glass pop bottles as they are really nice thick quality glass and they are basically free! My dad likes them, I keep smacking my teeth off them