I would call him Aspie, sounds almost exactly like me other than sports. Replace the sports special interest with my model trains. The explosive temper(meltdowns), reclusive, needing downtime after a night out. All so typical of me. I am not tech savy, but more mechanicaly gifted. I have no filter, socialy clueless most of the time. Also need to be told point blank when my wife needs support( I am getting better noticing this on my own). I do not like being touched, espicaly when sleeping or not the one initating the touching. I hate being hugged. I am professionaly diagnosed but also took a couple of the online quizes and they confirmed what was already diagnosed professionaly. I took the AQ test first, 50 questions, anything over a score of 31 indicates autism and further testing needed. I scored a 43. Next is the "Aspie Quiz", my scores on that are listed in my signature below. If you can get him to take them, it might open up some lines of communication. Once my wife started learning how to better communicate with me, and I started to learn how to better cope, did our marriage get off the rocks. Mike
Thanks for the input, I'm strongly leaning towards him being Aspie as well. The more threads I read on this site, the more confirmation I get. Now, unfortunately, at this moment I highly doubt my boyfriend is up to doing any kind of self-test much less even bringing up the subject.

In terms of the touching that you mentioned. I noticed when we are in bed, he lies on his back (he has asthma) and there is very little touching going on between us. He will reach out and touch my thigh lightly or allow me to put my leg over his but there isn't any cuddling or a lot of hugging. I can put my head on his chest for a few minutes and he will put his arms around me for a little while and then go back to having his hands by his side. I also don't initiate a lot of physical contact (excluding sex of course) while we are just lying in bed because I'm really not sure what he's 'okay' with and what he isn't. We should have that discussion but he gets annoyed when I bring stuff like that up. So yeah, there is not a lot of physical touching, spooning or hugging in bed. I experienced a whole lot more contact in that area in previous relationships with NT men than with him.
Now, he does hug me a lot as reassurance throughout the day, but he doesn't like to kiss a lot. Many times when I reach up to kiss him on the lips, he turns and gives me his neck. I hate that. Other times he will plant one on my lips several times without me initiating contact of any kind and tell me he loves me very much. It's like he's up for planting one on me but only when he wants to. Now if "I" want a kiss on the lips I tap my lips and say 'right here babe' and he'll chuckle and kiss me several times. He seems more comfortable kissing me on the forehead, cheeks, neck, etc but not really my lips too much.
Also, really no tongue kissing. Well, it's weird, he is more adapt to tongue kiss me or kiss me in a more passionate way while we are in public than in private. I think when he kisses me like that perhaps he is trying to mark his territory when we are out around other people. I don't know. I can't explain it, just doesn't make sense that he can kiss me so passionately in public but not at home. I brought up the kissing situation early in the relationship and he was highly annoyed and kind of shut me down. I also brought up the cuddling as well and he said he would try, but after a while -- it's like we never had that discussion.
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