Honesty, and being yourself, really works in my book. It's the best way to connect to someone that's compatible with you. I've never really dated in the classic sense, my relationships typically evolve from one-night stands. But every person I've dated was initially attracted to me because I stood out, as Aspies tend to do. The first time I met my boyfriend I was aggressively lecturing some poor guy about their ignorance of classic LucasArts games. Luckily my boyfriend happens to love those games as well and thought it incredibly hot for a young girl to be so passionate about this subject. So he swooped in, and we ended up talking about Day of the Tentacle all night. I think most people wouldn't even know what I was talking about, let alone find it attractive, but I wouldnt want to date those people.
I've been rejected countless times for being myself, but in the end it only takes one person to like me for me
I've been rejected countless times for being myself, but in the end it only takes one person to like me for me