I got my booster two days ago. I was hoping that because it was a booster the side effects wouldn't be as bad as the vaccine I got in the summer. Wrong. I was up all night feeling like I was dying of the plague. And thanks to the omicron variant, the 150 more variants I know we're going to have and the idiot horrible sub-human anti vax truck drivers that have invaded our Canadian border I can't help but feel that this was all just a waste of time.
I'm going to die in two years anyway (according to some website that "predicted" my death, anyway) so whatever.
Screw the human race, screw its unbearable stupidity, ignorance, denial, and insanity that led to all of this and has sealed our doom. Sometimes it's so bad I just want to scream and grab a random sharp object and stab my arms or cut my wrists. But all I can do is make some "hesitation wounds" that aren't even really wounds, just scratches. But what's really strange is that I keep thinking what a mess it will make and how hard it will be to clean up all the blood.