I'm living my whole life at once.
I can relate to what you're describing here.I hope it is making you feel better.
I was with my love for eight years. Because of the hurt I felt I do not want to be in another relationship. There were many incredibly wonderful times too and it was very worth it to me. Before I was with her I always wanted a a girlfriend. It hurt me all the time when I would think about it. I was lonely and wanted so much to love someone and be with them. After being with her all the things I wondered about, about relationships, I knew about. So I do not have those questions any more and I do not feel the need or desire for a girlfriend.
My brain annoys me because it still thinks about sex, I really wish it wouldn't. It is off-topic for me to mention it but I always thought sex was stupid. I understood the attraction and it was wonderful but it when I had that feeling of attraction it built until I could not think of anything else and logic went away, the we had sex and my brain came back to normal and I could think again and did not desire sex. Then later the desire would come back like I never had it.
When I was younger, I mostly focused so much on relationships because I just wanted to prove to myself that I could figure it out. It felt like a challenge for me to overcome, so that I could understand more about how the world works and how humans function. Like you say, now that I've had lots of experience with romance, it's not interesting anymore. It feels like it would be a lot of work just to repeat experiences I've already had, many of which were not pleasant.
I still rely on relationships too much for validation and I still feel the urge to date. That urge is more like an ex-addict's craving rather than a meaningful desire.