Early on in my life I'd not been able to respond in the moment very well. And as you've mentioned, you think of some response hours or days later. I find communication here to be optimum and usually not a contest of any sort.
When you consider it, being able to be clever or witty in the moment is not all that much of a gift. You usually find that the person with the witty comeback is not much of a thinker of any sort. Being verbally clever is something that can be learned, scripts can be memorized, you can even take a debate or philosophy class to learn and practise.
Really when you consider the banter of workplaces, schools and social settings. It can become a game, contest, one upmanship; (A technique or practise of gaining a feeling of superiority over another person) a manner in which to gain the upper hand verbally or in writing.
There was a time in my life where I practised such a thing, yet I began to consider that it was a function of ego. And eventually that I had little need to feel superior to others, and that the people who did, were still learning about themselves. Yet, I think that you reach that point later in life. And that some go through the verbal jousting first, to comprehend it.
When you consider it, being able to be clever or witty in the moment is not all that much of a gift. You usually find that the person with the witty comeback is not much of a thinker of any sort. Being verbally clever is something that can be learned, scripts can be memorized, you can even take a debate or philosophy class to learn and practise.
Really when you consider the banter of workplaces, schools and social settings. It can become a game, contest, one upmanship; (A technique or practise of gaining a feeling of superiority over another person) a manner in which to gain the upper hand verbally or in writing.
There was a time in my life where I practised such a thing, yet I began to consider that it was a function of ego. And eventually that I had little need to feel superior to others, and that the people who did, were still learning about themselves. Yet, I think that you reach that point later in life. And that some go through the verbal jousting first, to comprehend it.