I ride the city bus and often see folks bringing in dogs they claim are service animals, but then they jump up on the seats, bark, sniff around, etc. I've even seen a dog fight between two alleged "service" pitbulls.
You can tell a real trained service animal immediately. They walk along side their master, don't pay any attention to people or pets, and once boarded, they immediately lie down under their master's seat. The master will tell anyone who tries to pet their animal that they are working and not to pet them.
There's a difference between "service" animal, and "emotional support" animal, and most people dont really seem to be aware of it.
A service animal, like a guide dog for the blind, has extremely strict training to behave in extremely specific ways for different situations. There is ALOT that goes into their training, all of it is very complicated. While they usually do bond with their owner, they still have to serve a practical function, generally one that the owner cannot perform on their own.
An emotional support animal, on the other hand, is not there to lead the person around or stuff like that; they do not perform functions of a practical nature. They are there just to be there. Their presence keeps the person going. They dont really have to DO anything specific. Which makes sense, really. Like, for a person with a terrible debilitating anxiety disorder, you cant just train a big dog to pull the anxiety out of the person's head or something. What is needed is an animal that provides the bond and friendship. However, they still need to meet a variety of qualifications to be officially designated as a "support" animal. Unfortunately though, those qualifications are fairly loose, so things get wonky.
But also I think there's alot of people that will just CLAIM that their animal is a "support" animal, but they dont actually have any of the paperwork that really shows it. They just see other people doing it, and they do it. Which is likely why you end up with weird ones like a freaking snake. It's not that animals that arent dogs/cats cant perform the role... for instance, the idea of a pig as a support animal is perfectly viable, they are extremely intelligent animals and can make for excellent pets (and bond with people) in the same way that a dog can. But a snake? It's a freaking snake! It doesnt form bonds or relationships, nor does it exactly do much thinking. It's basically a mouth with a long tube attached that exists to propel the mouth in the general direction of food. There's alot of animals that dont REALLY fit the concept, but people are derps and will try to claim that their giant cockroach or whatever can do it anyway. Or they have an animal that absolutely could do the role... but isnt trained to behave properly around others (and really, ALL pets should be trained at least that much, eh?)