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Depression Season

Anxiety spiking as tomorrow will involve a nasty social interaction. It’ll be me alone vs a couple, however it’ll be short.

One of the best things I learned is how our thinking affects our emotions. There is a saying that it's not what happens to you but how you think about and respond to it that determines how you feel and your quality of life.

I think tomorrow will be a good opportunity for you to practice handling a difficult social interaction. Try thinking differently about the interaction and the people involved and you will learn how your thinking affects how you feel. No matter how it goes, you will learn something that will help you in the future.

I’m going to force myself to do a workout, it’ll at least minimize the reaction.

You're taking control of the situation and doing a workout to minimize your anxiety. That's a good idea.
I don't like the Fall either even though I was born in it. Everything is wet and dying as the days slowly get darker and darker. I'll admit it looks nice from a distance sometimes with all the colors but I find the silence of Winter much easier. That silence in combination with the environment that has much less going on it is easier for my mind to deal with.
It seems I am rattling around in here by myself…

It’s just 20 minutes after 6 in the evening and pitch black outside.

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