I didn't misread your post. You are being paranoid.I think you did not see my post as i intended it.
Okay, bad joke there. :thumbsdown: I wasn't purely replying to your post. It was more a case of relating my experiences regarding the stuff and expressing my own opinions. Sincere apologies if it came across as a criticism of yourself or of your advice.
I have a negative attitude towards marijuana, based on my experiences and the experiences of my friends and family. If you have found a strain that lifts your moods and you don't foresee any long-term ill effects, then that can only be a good thing.
My brother stopped smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol recently after about 20 years of fairly heavy use of the former and occasional heavy use of the latter. He has become a much nicer person to be around. One of his best friends at school started smoking marijuana at university. He was a top athlete and scholar. The paranoia kicked in fairly quickly, he got all his friends to stop calling him by his real name - my brother still calls him "86", which was the last 2 digits of his student ID. But he managed to finish his finance and economics degree, although by the time he graduated he was going downhill fast. He never got a job, and he now sleeps on the floor in his parents' garage with his dog, spending all of his disability pension on marijuana.
I don't have an addictive personality, I've never found it difficult to come off anything. Caffeine is about the only thing I notice any side-effects from if I come off it suddenly, and that is headaches and lethargy but no cravings.
My opinion - and this is just my opinion based on my own observations over the years - is that marijuana is an insidious drug. You smoke it, you laugh, the music sounds funny. You don't have a hangover afterwards, your liver doesn't rot, you function normally for the most part. And yet, from what I have seen, the long term consequences can be pretty hideous.