I’m not a customer of the psychological arts, so I only know what I hear/see from those that are. A psychologist’s diagnosis is often wrong, and I hear of people being switched from one diagnosis to another. Best not to place too much faith in an art that identifies as a science.Watching a lot of YouTube or videos in general this includes TikTok is not a good way to diagnose anyone or honestly learn much about anything. At the end of the day, the people expressing themselves on their are all going off of opinions and a bit of research sure. It is best not to tell anyone you are one thing or another until you get a real diagnosis from a trained professional. Unless you are studying to be a therapist or psychologist then I would not be excited over a self diagnosis… I would rather have someone who’s gone to school for this topic and graduated knowing this sort of thing versus someone who’s done research and watched videos online…
That said, it would be nice to have a professional’s opinion. However, only two people are extant who would remember my childhood, and one of those is held by the other as a classic narcissist, though I suspect he is autistic; not a reference. Then there’s money. I pay for my own care, so I would need some return on the investment. Being retired, I don’t see any significant impact that a professional diagnosis could offer.
The real kicker is that, last I read about it, licensed professionals don’t want to get involved diagnosing old people because, after a while, the autistic mind creates workarounds that make diagnosis difficult at best.
I understand your preference for the professional diagnosis, but the expense and process render it unreasonable for many. I remember what I was told early on; if a rational and informed person thinks they have autism, then they probably do have.