Why is this diagnosis imporant for you?
Explains and answers the most perplexing questions of my life.
Did you disclose your discovery to family or friends? How did they react ?
Disclosed to my wife, my niece and my general practitioner doctor.
My wife agrees, but it is a touchy subject. There is a tipping point where she becomes angry. Can’t discuss it too much.
My nice was indifferent. Shrug of shoulders.
My GP doctor logged it in her notes. No other response.
Are your childhood memories or ancedotal stories by family part of your diagnostic process?
Of memories of family, but not so much by family.
My father made a frequent statement, repeated throughout my life; from as early as I can remember through to his death, that has been a defining theme of my life. Always with great exasperation and anger, he would say, “Kenneth … When are you ever going to wake up and act like a normal human being?”
I was bullied a lot in school. Not by students, but by teachers.
I was the most unpopular kid in school. Other kids avoided me like the plague. I now realize that was because of my mannerisms, expressions, etc. I am blind to my mannerisms and expressions. They are not automatic.
Pretty much my entire life is strong evidence – entirely too many to list here.
Have you used any online ASD screening tools like the AQ Quiz?
Yes. All that I could find.
What, if anything has changed in your life as a result of this diagnosis?
Understanding myself. Realizing there is a reason for the perplexing confusion, miseries, anxieties, fears and traumas of my life. Realizing I am not alone. Realizing that most of my miseries are due to social interactions and misunderstandings and misperceptions. Realizing that most of all the anger and emotional hurt I have inflicted on others is due to my blindness of my expressions, mannerisms and tone resulting in miscommunication. I now know that a persons mannerism, expression and tone is a primary element of communication to the NT’s. I always thought it was just the words.
I am now learning how to recognize and avoid situations that inflict trauma and /or depression in me.
Did your discovery change how you think about past events?
Yes. It is a relief for all the mysteries of my traumas, pain, depression and self-loathing to be unveiled. Reduces my belief that I was / am retarded. Allowed me to realize that I actually achieved my childhood dream. Allows me to recognize that I actually have accomplishments. Almost all of which has been hidden and obscured under a cloak of self-loathing and retarded view of myself.
Does your discovery change how you think about your future?
Yes. Knowing myself better reduces my general levels of anxiety and depression. I feel better about myself. There are now even episodes of my life that I am actually proud of.
Are you likely to pursue a professional assessment? Why or why not?
No. Upon realizing that I was autistic, I wanted a professional diagnosis, but it was decided too expensive. It wasn’t long, however, before I realized there was no practical benefit to a professional diagnosis, especially at my age. Studying autism and my life has resulted in a still growing list of 68 symptoms. There is absolutely no chance that I am not autistic. A professional diagnosis would not add anything to what I already understand. There are just too many symptoms and the symptoms are too definite and intense to conclude otherwise. Much of my list of symptoms are discovered as I learn about NT’s and how they are not like me and how I am not like them - an extremely enlightening study.