Do you have a citation or research that proves abuse of these systems? I think the majority of recipients are honest people who need it. There will always be people who will abuse the system but it is dangerous to assume that many abuse it without having concrete evidence. I am one of those recipients and I honestly need it. Politicians caused hardships on the poor by making policy decisions based on assumption rather than researched fact.
My experience with the people I know on public assistance is quite the opposite. The woman I wrote about above is one of my ex step daughters so, yes I KNOW for a fact that she can do whatever she wants, and did work as a billing clerk prior to the fall that broke her tail bone (in her own house.) Since then I have been with her and, my ex shopping, dining, spending the day in a casino and, she is not disabled in any way, yet she gets that check, even AFTER I sent video of her being on her feet, laughing and smiling for hours to both the social services and, social security offices in my county.
Another of my ex step kids, a man, farms his wife and 18 year old daughter out as escorts, cash money and, he wants them to get pregnant so that they can get more welfare money. I've reported them too but, they are still on welfare and NOTHING was done abut them.
Another well known couple here in town got divorced simply so that she could get free Obamacare and food stamps. She still lives with her ex as if they were married, but now she gets welfare when he makes over 50,000 USD a year. Another one that's been reported and, welfare KNOWS she still lives with him but, she gets free medical and food stamps anyway.
The state I live in is a right to work state, meaning, even if they quit, they get unemployment. One of my former maintenance men quit and, is now collecting unemployment, food stamps and, free medical for himself and his family. I still had a job for him, I didn't have any reason to fire or lay him off, I was happy with his work yet, he quits and I still have to pay his unemployment.
Yes there are people that really do need the assistance but, more often than not, at least from all I've seen, they take advantage of it and don't really want to even try to work. Mostly because welfare pays more than a minimum wage job would pay, they have no incentive to work when they can get more a do nothing.
Meanwhile people like you, and a lot of others on the spectrum who do need and deserve the assistance, who really are trying to better themselves don't get the help they need because of all the leeches on the system.