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I don't mean literally, only that if something happens to a woman, say, sexual assault, she tends to get blamed for it. Hence, don't make eye contact with strangers.Maybe in the 1400's
I have trouble recognizing people if it see them out of context. For instance, I can't recognize my neighbor if I see her at the supermarket. I can't recognize a coworker at the mall (I hate the mall anyway and tend to walk around with my head down). It's as though I need to see them in the same environment in which I met them in order to recognize them.
You know what my problem is? Describing faces. Seriously, it's funny how I can tell people apart without mistake by looking at them yet I can't describe them off the top of my head.
I have this thing where I have a vague sense of recognition towards EVERYBODY. If a complete stranger walked up to me and told me that we had met before, I would likely believe them, all the while completely unable to place them and too embarrassed to say that.
I can remember faces if I happen to see and interact with them ever few days. More than a few days separate and I will start loosing the face again, bit by bit.
I'm very good at remembering body-shapes and postures, so that is usually how I recognize people. It makes finding someone in a crowd very easy, cause I'm not looking for a face, but a certain walk + posture + shape.
once i was on a bus and caught a refelction of myself in the mirror. my hair was a bit wild because it was a windy day, and i thought 'who's that girl with that weired look in her eyes?' and then i pushed the hair out of my eyes and the girl in the mirror did the same thing.
i constantly forget people i've seen and talked to, even if i talked to them more than once, and i feel bad for hurting their feelings.
Actually, I believe the syllables should be Pro-sop-a-gno-si-a, right? It's Greek, I don't know a lot about pronouncing ancient Greek.These two college educated women also thought being unable to pronounce PRO SO PAG NO SIA was extremely funny.
That's rightActually, I believe the syllables should be Pro-sop-a-gno-si-a, right?