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"Disagree" Feature

My feelings are that just disagreeing with someone has no apparent purpose ... There is a whole lot to disagree with, although an explanation would be necessary for clarity, I truly believe people can hold their tongue as opposed to just out right stating "Your Wrong!".

Long story short it's rude. But being inquisitive, or enlightening is fine. I think this all goes back to mama telling me if I don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. Nobody likes an argument and nobody likes to be told they're wrong.

This is completely opposite to how I feel about it. I think a simple statement of "I disagree" is useful when someone is so offended by a post that they have to somehow note their disapproval, but starting a debate in that thread would cause disruption and throw it off topic. I think it's the opposite of rude. It's considerate to the OP and the original topic. If either party wants to elaborate or ask for clarification, that would be the time to PM or start a new thread on the topic of disagreement. I never once used the "disagree" button while it was in effect because I didn't feel strong disagreement over any posts. I would only use it if I were truly offended by the content of a post. However, I also see the potential for abuse of the option to disagree. Some people are far more easily offended than I.
This is completely opposite to how I feel about it. I think a simple statement of "I disagree" is useful when someone is so offended by a post that they have to somehow note their disapproval, but starting a debate in that thread would cause disruption and throw it off topic. I think it's the opposite of rude. It's considerate to the OP and the original topic. If either party wants to elaborate or ask for clarification, that would be the time to PM or start a new thread on the topic of disagreement. I never once used the "disagree" button while it was in effect because I didn't feel strong disagreement over any posts. I would only use it if I were truly offended by the content of a post. However, I also see the potential for abuse of the option to disagree. Some people are far more easily offended than I.

I hear what you are saying, certainly if someone posted something like "kill baby seals" I would probably pm them and say hey not cool man. Nevertheless, I worry that a feature like that would cause people to be unnecessarily nasty, I know I've run across people who are mean to be mean online.

And absolutely let's be adults, no need to argue. All around I feel like disagree is too close to saying "I hate that" it's dangerous territory.

I really dig that Admin Brent has given us such options as "Friendly", "Optimistic", "Informative". Because they are providing clarity without fuss :D . Mayhaps adding buttons like "Scary", "Sad", etc would remedy some of the negativity or fix some of the disagreements in this particular thread. ;)

Brent May I suggest a poll with some of the available options? It would be fun to take part in forming part of this wonderful forum society.
I personally feel as Cali Cat and Gomendosi have articulated that the disagree button was a useful way for me to express that I strongly did not concur with what a person wrote but did not feel it appropriate to explain why.

I used it once where the person strayed into religious idealism which I did not agree with in a thread that was not religious in nature. I used the button to voice my opinion but I did not want to address the issue in that thread (thereby derailing the thread) nor on the forum in general as such a debate would be against the rules.

I think the disagree button is particularly useful when the OP is asking for advice. I feel no need to derail a thread or become argumentative by telling a person why I do not agree with their advice, but I do feel it appropriate to make it known to the person asking for advice that what they are receiving is not agreed with by all. To then go on and provide a second lot of advice then keeps the thread on topic and avoids any arguments.

As for the people who are pointing out that an "I disagree" statement in a conversation is not how it is really done... I do actually do it. The fact is I am entitled to my own opinion, and having my own opinion does not detract from the right of any other person to have theirs. My opinion may not align with yours, and that's okay. The problem that causes arguments is that people think that because my opinion differs that I have to then justify why I am correct and they feel personally attacked. I think a much better approach would be:

I disagree, my opinion is this... (both opinions are heard and no one feels attacked)
instead of
I disagree because... (only the original opinion is heard, the original person feels attacked and the second person becomes defensive)

I can not think of a less argumentative and benign statement than "I disagree" as it removes all references to the other person that may make them feel that I think less of them.

I think if people are posting something offensive, the best way to deal with it is report it.
I can not think of a less argumentative and benign statement than "I disagree" as it removes all references to the other person that may make them feel that I think less of them.
Neither can I, but some people can find a way to interpret almost anything in a personal way.

I think if people are posting something offensive, the best way to deal with it is report it.
That only works with posts that are against the rules. Offensiveness being subjective, what is offensive to one may not be offensive to the moderators.
I like that side of the conversation. Lets see if we can't come up with a better and less negative word than Disagree?

I realize my previous post on the subject was tongue-in-cheek, but maybe this really is an appropriate place for the "?" button.
Disagree button seems like a good idea, there are certain people in any forum that I'd really like to let them know that I disagree without having to deal with them.
Disagree button seems like a good idea, there are certain people in any forum that I'd really like to let them know that I disagree without having to deal with them.

And that actually is the problem, since chances are these people will call you out to defend why you are disagreeing with them. Of course it's no obligation for you to respond to these people, but I've seen plenty of forums go sour over disagreements that turned into harassment and a "demand" to justify someones belief.
And that actually is the problem, since chances are these people will call you out to defend why you are disagreeing with them. Of course it's no obligation for you to respond to these people, but I've seen plenty of forums go sour over disagreements that turned into harassment and a "demand" to justify someones belief.
Anyway, "disagree" doesn't seem to work with the Android app. Unfortunately, neither does filtering the people I don't really want to deal with... Oh well, for now I just apply my filter in my head! :-)
There will not be a disagree feature. It isn't something we want to do and would just cause more issues than it could potentially fix.
The "disagree" feature is really getting on my nerves.
Without it, people were forced to explain exactly why they disagreed. This led to discussion.
People sometimes click that button after my posts, and I am left unsure of what they mean.
Sometimes posts are complex, and say several things, and then it is unclear which of the stated points the other member is disagreeing with.
Sometimes the post might be simple, yet it is still unclear what "disagree" means.
Here is one example. In a discussion that had veered into gender, and men's prejudice against women, I wrote "It depends on the individual man in question". This meant that some individual men are prejudiced, but others are not. Someone pushed "disagree". Now I don't know if they mean that they think all men are prejudiced, or if they think no men are.
I'm not trying to blame anyone in this post, or anything. It's just that this feature makes disagreements more confusing, not less.

I'm brand new, it's my first day. I'm a refugee from WP though. I wondered after seeing all the buttons on the bottom why there wasn't a disagree button too, but now that I've read your post I see that it wouldn't be such a good idea. I would wonder about it too.

Thanks for posting that because if you hadn't I would have still secretly wanted one but never bad enough to actually post about it.

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