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Disclosure - It can be a landmine

DogzSpirit, I am in awe of your ability to meet this challenge. It sounds exhausting to me! You obviously have an intellect equal to your husbands. Please keep challenging him to drop sloppy thought. I know you deserve his best, insist that he give it (just as you have been ).
DogzSpirit, I am in awe of your ability to meet this challenge. It sounds exhausting to me! You obviously have an intellect equal to your husbands. Please keep challenging him to drop sloppy thought. I know you deserve his best, insist that he give it (just as you have been ).

Don't be in awe... We do not know how far I will be able to take this or him.
I am rather unimpressed in myself, at the spontaneous manner I took in presenting this.
I seem to have potentially made this more exhausting than it had to be.

I am actually sorry that I opened this box at this point in time.
Had I thought it through, I would have documented all he might need to know,
and been on the quick to provide written material.

As it is, I have at hand one book I did a read on... 22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know
I am hoping that proves rather useful.

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