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Do any of you have self esteem issues?

I'd rather stay humble than become proud, but I stopped being ashamed of myself when I learned how I'd really been doing my best with bad information and parenting. I'm frustrated by my limitations, but glad about the use I made of my assets. Lately, I've been doing a daily journal, writing down one happy memory a day. Reading it is better than mulling over the failures all the time.
But, Luca, you have people here who admire you and your verve. If you hear anything negative from bumptious yokels, remind yourself that there are people here who appreciate you. And your posts with your friends having fun. Certainly there is joy in your life sufficient to smother those thoughts of being bullied.
Thank you, that means a lot :)
Self esteem issues were always a problem for me to a varying degree throughout an entire life. It was a severe problem more often than not. Usually thinking up to 2 or 3 things that "will" go wrong at the same time and often misinterpreting other people's words as something personally devaluing. That last one only happens with people with whom i have an emotional connection with.

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