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Do Aspies think their opinion is fact?

You're wrong about your opinion. If you're wrong about your opinion, you're probably wrong about more opinions. If you're wrong about more opinions, you're wrong about a lot of things. If you're wrong about a lot of things, you're probably wrong about almost everything. This throws your entire character into question.

I think it has something to do with the "taking it literally" aspect. Unless it's specifically stated that a disagreement is not an attack on my character, I tend to by default take that defensive position and defend my opinion as if the integrity of my character absolutely depends on it.

I know they say two wrongs don't make a (w)right does that help? :p

No, I totally get this - I absolutely ALWAYS am logical and dispassionate when I express an "opinion". But, what gets me is when other people state their opinion as an irrefutable fact. Fair enough .... if they are indeed right. If not, there's nothing that can help them from my onslaught of logic which will destroy their opinion utterly into little shreds. What I find is that they then get either upset, angry or go huffy!

If people challenge my opinion, as it's based on available facts (even if it puts me at a disadvantage) I tend to get irritated if they can't challenge it with logical argument.

Then, the big guns get taken out and I don't take prisoners! :D

But, as I tend to take things literally, a lot of the times the whole argument is based in me not understanding exactly what they were talking about in the first place. Well, that's what they say.... :p
There's enough disagreement over what represents a "fact" and "opinion" that short of introducing formal rules of evidence (and a formal means of adjudicating disputes), some sites are beyond any reasonable chance of agreement on most topics.
The same here. There are those who seem to feed off confrontation. I don't mind open dialogue, but the heated debates that I see take place drain me, as they accomplish nothing.

What is the general consensus on this for most aspies, if one even exists?

I actually sometimes try to get at some heat in a conversation about things people are passionate about for some excitement. Usually it only ends in angry and insulting dialogue if someone says something to really strike my nerves, such as a demoralizing remark about gay people or holding someone to some dogmatic moral standard.

I don't know if enjoying to argue with logic and facts is an aspie thing or a personality thing though.
I have read a lot of posts here recently and it strikes me that quite a few of us may believe that our opinion is in fact, fact.
It is acceptable that as an Aspie you may have done a lot of research on any given topic but I find quite a few purport to be somewhat of an authority and, whether by design or accident, it is implied.
Also, occasionally, upon challenge or request for elaboration/ verification, there is usually some sort of display of anger or imagined persecution which requires the person querying the original statement to defend, retract or apologise.
I am not saying that a person can't make any statement without a reference, just that often Aspies state opinions as fact and then get upset or feel picked on when they're questioned or contradicted...

Any thoughts on this?
Not so sure that is an aspie trait, because I have watched so many people assert opinions without even knowing the facts in any given situation. With more research one may come to a different conclusion, but when I really do know the facts, and I am very apt at reaching the facts in a record time, then there is no one that can convince me otherwise.
I have often faced people who would argue and argue about certain facts. I may agree with them in public, but when in private I research on my own and then follow my own research.
It is of no use to argue with people who will steadfast defend their opinions, because that is mostly stubbornness.
I don't know if enjoying to argue with logic and facts is an aspie thing or a personality thing though.

I'd personally lean towards a cultural thing. Some cultures and disciplines encourage formal debate with logic and facts, particularly those in the education, science, legal, and financial fields. Given that the US political leadership is overwhelmingly the product of a legal education, I'd have to say the US leans towards a formal debate model.
Is it my A/S or ?

I am new to this format and subsequently trying to figure out just exactly where to post seems very daunting. And as such, may post in incorrectly.
If so, I would hope that a staff member would bring it to my attention by informing me as to the correct area to re-post.

My understanding of this format based on the variety of subject in a variety of categories that it's a place one can "Sound off", "Vent" "Discus" ones "Opinion". If I understand correctly, one has the choice by posting a new subject, category or replying to an existing one. Well here goes!

When it comes to replying to a post, I believed from my understanding of the rules, that I am able to voice an "Opinion" in regards to that particular post. And there is to be arguing or debating, and if such has been deemed, there can and will be possible consequences.

From what I understand by reading various post and retorts from the moderators (staff) is that this site is part in part to assist individuals diagnosed either officially or by one self having Asperger's Syndrome. And after reading here and else where what A/S is; I have come to the conclusion that I
apparently for a great number of years have A/S. It is my contention now, though it is not an excuse nor an apology that it is my A/S which causes me to be so literal, which when it comes to someone's else's "Opinion" can be considered objectionably. And as such, if the throng brings their opinion of my opinion to the attention of the staff and or it is the opinion of the staff, there are possible consequences.

I am quoting the post prior to this one it is only an example.

You're wrong about your opinion. If you're wrong about your opinion, you're probably wrong about more opinions. If you're wrong about more opinions, you're wrong about a lot of things. If you're wrong about a lot of things, you're probably wrong about almost everything. This throws your entire character into question.

I think it has something to do with the "taking it literally" aspect. Unless it's specifically stated that a disagreement is not an attack on my character, I tend to by default take that defensive position and defend my opinion as if the integrity of my character absolutely depends on it.

Using a dictionary the term "Opinion" states:

1. A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. A personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

Understanding English I take that to mean in general:
An opinion is a judgment, viewpoint, or statement about matters commonly considered to be subjective, i.e. based on that which is less than absolutely certain, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. What distinguishes fact from opinion is that facts are verifiable, i.e. can be objectively proven to have occurred.

Example: "America was involved in the Vietnam War" versus "America was right to get involved in the Vietnam War".

An opinion may be supported by facts, in which case it becomes an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented. It can be reasoned that one opinion is better supported by the facts than another by analyzing the supporting arguments. In casual use, the term opinion may be the result of a person or person(s) perspective and or understanding, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires. It may refer to unsubstantiated information, in contrast to knowledge and fact.

Thus an opinion of an opinion via visual, verbal, or in text form can by nature and is by any stretch of the word be considered argumentative which when performed in an intellectually manner which excludes the use of any
profanity (also called bad language, strong language, foul language, bad words, vulgar, swearing, cursing, cussing, or using expletives.is considered a debate and against the rules.

I recon' being the literal self I am (dam my A/S) I could, would and do find a great deal of the material (posts) i.e. the quote I inserted as above which I again state is only as an example. personally objectionable. And as such could spend hours, contesting such to the staff. I am but one
individual, considering the number of other members that "Could" do the same; would cause the staff to perform their appointed duties by utilizing their authority and deal out consequences, which could an quite possibly lead to the elimination or purpose of this site.

Ones ideology comes from a variety of sources, i.e. education, experiences etc., it is one ideology that sets them apart from any other. It is makes one different than everyone else. Although one can share
similar ideology with another, it is never exactly the same. Which gives way to "Opinion" . A/S is now part of my ideology. The diagnosis of A/S does not change ones ideology , but cause it to be understood if by no one else, themselves. Regardless of its reason via education or my life's experiences which now contains my diagnosis, it is my ideology where I have reached the contention that if " I " perceive anything that comes in contact with one or more of my five basic senses to be objectionable, i.e. TV programming, Radio programming, Second, Third party conversations, Pornography, etc. It is up to me to alleviate my distress and no one else. Somewhere in my 65 years I learned to deal with objectionable Audio and Video materials I didn't like by, to coin a phrase, "Turn the channel.

If everyone has total and unequivitable rights, then no one has rights.

Though it may be in the wrong, spot, thanks for allowing me to vent.

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The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.
The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin of all particular things.
Free from desire, you can see the hidden mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only what is visibly real.
Yet mystery and visible reality arise from the same source.
And the mystery itself is the gateway to all understanding.
I think the discussions on AC are very very interesting. I have seen (and been involved in!) some really heated discussions (arguments?!) but they never seem to result in people falling out. And it can get very heated!

So, maybe there's a mutual feeling here where we are comfortable enough to argue, but not become personal and silly over it? Does this mean we are more happy to fight out corners and say what we want because we are more logical? Once we've had a good argument, that's it, move on?

Do we lack the emotional entanglement of a NT argument perhaps?

And, is this an advantage??

Just wondering. Maybe someone wants to do a phd on it! :eek:

Heated arguments (discussions) are no longer allowed. I think this is unfortunate and a loss for all.
I have to say that some of the topics in the adulthood section seem to be allowed without moderators stepping in, yet more traditional stuff (religion and gun control in particular I've noticed) seems to be frowned upon. I will probably get a smacked wrist for posting this even! ;)

I do get uneasy over the imbalance of this with AC sometimes.
I have to say that some of the topics in the adulthood section seem to be allowed without moderators stepping in, yet more traditional stuff (religion and gun control in particular I've noticed) seems to be frowned upon. I will probably get a smacked wrist for posting this even! ;)

I do get uneasy over the imbalance of this with AC sometimes.

There is too much control over content now. It did not use to be like this and we never, or very very rarely, had problems on AC. The control is overdone and unnecessary.
You're wrong about your opinion. If you're wrong about your opinion, you're probably wrong about more opinions. If you're wrong about more opinions, you're wrong about a lot of things. If you're wrong about a lot of things, you're probably wrong about almost everything. This throws your entire character into question.

I think it has something to do with the "taking it literally" aspect. Unless it's specifically stated that a disagreement is not an attack on my character, I tend to by default take that defensive position and defend my opinion as if the integrity of my character absolutely depends on it.

An opinion, by definition, cannot be right or wrong. If that's what the person believes, it's their opinion. Period.

Each person is entitled to their own opinions. On the other hand, each person is NOT entitled to their own facts.

And to sum it all up, two wrongs don't make a right ... but three rights do make a left. :tonguewink:
I have had a lot of issues with this, in fact it is something my roommate and I are trying to break my habit of. I don't mean to do it but sometimes when I am talking about an opinion I have, my friends will give their opinion. If their thoughts differ from my own I take it as an insult as if they are simply saying the opposite to anger me or say that my opinion is wrong. I never knew I was doing it, and I am still not quite sure how to respond to someone when I say for e.g. "The weather is really nice today." and someone replies with "I don't think it is, it's kind of humid." If it is sunny, cool, the birds chirping, and there is a nice breeze I'm not sure how to respond other that awkward silence or "what do you mean?" It always turns into a debate and I don't like it. I wish I could figure out a comfortable medium. But yes I can say sometimes I personally get the idea that if it is nice outside and I say it is nice outside that that indeed a fact but technically it is an opinion because a "nice day" outside can be anything to anyone. However it is not intentional and something I work on everyday to overcome... :confused:
Right, 'nice' is not a fact, it's an opinion. A lot of people here are happy because monsoon has just started … it always starts on July 4th, I'm convinced it's Murphy's Law reacting to people buying fireworks & planning cookouts … but honestly, it's the worst time of the year to me. I moved to the desert to get away from the rain, humidity makes me physically feel really crappy. Feeling crappy physically makes me grumpy. So when people are so cheerful about it, I get triggered very easily. "Don't stay here & pray for rain to ruin my desert! Move somewhere humid!" I try not to, but it just slips out sometimes. Oops. :tonguewink:
I know the difference between an opinion and a fact, and I know my opinions are opinions. I often have a tendency to feel my opinions are more well informed though.

Yes, there was a time where I felt differently and then changed, but I consider my former opinions stupid and not worthy of respect, which is why I have trouble respect others opinions.

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