I am probably one of the few aspies that don't like animals. I don't connect with them. I like cute pictures of animals, I feel bad for any animal that is hurt, I will cry if one dies. But I don't want them touching me, I don't want them in my space, and I can't take of them. If they are I feel resentful and hostile. I grew up with pets, my dad would get them and then we were expected to take care of them. But we weren't ready for that responsibility. My parents were very inconsistant with thier expectations, so it was confusing for us to know what we were supposed to do. Then when I lived with my grandma, she spoiled the animals, like if we went somewhere to eat, she would stop at mcdonalds on the way home and get a burger for the dog. I had to share a bed with my grandma and she would put food in the bed for the dog and cat in case they got hungy in the night, not just dog and cat food, but pieces of hamburger or ham. My grandma would call me selfish if I didn't give the dog a piece of my food, even if it was chocolate. I would tell her that it was poison for the dog and she would say it is just a little bit. She would say all the time that the animals were the only ones that loved her. This hurt alot. We had two dogs here, one was very rambunctious and now and then it would chew up my stuffed animals including the first one my boyfriend got for me, he did it rarely. He was also very large and difficult to control. The other dog we had was very submissive and didn't get into things, but she was very old and she ended up having seizures toward the end rather frequently. It was horrible to see her go through that and not be able to do anything for her but wait till it was done and clean up the mess, then always worried about another one. It was devastating when they died, and I don't understand going through that again. When they want to be near me and cuddle up with me, it doesn't feel like affection it feels like an invasion. The dog we have now is very heavy, all muscle. After seeing him eat poop when he first came here, I don't want him licking even my hand. Also people keep using it as an example of why I shouldn't have children, or why I shouldn't be around their child.