I used to have a very high libido, up until my late 20’s. It’s dwindled since then. A combination of mental health issues, unpleasant experiences, libido-suppressing medication and relationship issues have caused my libido to be very very low. Biology might also be at play here, who knows. It’s not that I don’t enjoy sex when I have it, I just don’t find myself wanting to have it.
Having a low libido isn’t necessarily a problem for me. It is problematic when it’s mismatched with my partner’s libido though, which has been the case in the past and has led to some unpleasantness. Now his libido is very low too, so there is no mismatch issue at the moment.
Having a low libido isn’t necessarily a problem for me. It is problematic when it’s mismatched with my partner’s libido though, which has been the case in the past and has led to some unpleasantness. Now his libido is very low too, so there is no mismatch issue at the moment.