Well-Known Member
It's complicated. I can go to parties, as we've mentioned before, but unless I'm with comfortable, trusting others, I won't last too long before just feeling overly out of place and to the point of not enjoying myself at all. I certainly try, though. Now, I do have my hands in planning sizeable events a few times a year, ironic as that sounds. These events are where I will be working and having constant focus on keeping folks entertained / happy, and so I end up seeing time fly right before me. It usually doesn't overwhelm or bother me, in that case. I have helping others who I trust well, though. I could not pull off any of these events alone. Trusting, comfortable others / friends who I can rely on to take part in the work are only why I can have these successes.
I keep trying to find more analogies for this. Maybe this one, even: I couldn't be someone who just sits in a fancy restaurant all night long and converses with people or who even just had to sit still listening to everyone all night...but...I could definitely be a cook or a waiter in the same place the whole time. I guess, some people call it having nervous energy..?
I keep trying to find more analogies for this. Maybe this one, even: I couldn't be someone who just sits in a fancy restaurant all night long and converses with people or who even just had to sit still listening to everyone all night...but...I could definitely be a cook or a waiter in the same place the whole time. I guess, some people call it having nervous energy..?