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Do you also need to listen to something all the time, always to the same stuff?

How did I miss this thread? Anyway, yes I like to listen to music, and I do it most of the time. I also like to listen to the same song on repeat, had a song here over the Christmas week that I had on repeat, incl during a few nights, like while I slept, I changed away from it bc I could feel it was starting to become an obsession for me to listen to that speciffic song, that needed to be stopped before it becomes a peoblem.

I mostly sleep with something in my ears, it can be music or something I find on YouTube where I don't need to watch the movie.

I think there are a couple of reasons why I enjoy something in my ears - to block other sounds, to give me comfort and to regulate my mood.

For the blocking part, my stupid little adhd brain will shift its attention to every little sound it hears, making it hard to concentrate or relax, by listening to well known and hence predictable music it's more easy to keep my attention where it needs to be or to relax.

Music can also influence my mood, listening to a happy song makes me happy, I like to be happy, so happy song on repeat :)
Whenever I go to most any store, apart from those playing familiar music it's usually from the 60s or 70s.

Probably yet another aspect of marketing to the those with the most disposable income.
Ahh, I read the title as asking if you listen to something all the time, and have a limited set of tings you listen to. I don't see many adults with headphones in the supermarket, and imagine most people listen to more than a small set of numbers. But thank you for telling how you read it :)
Ahh, I read the title as asking if you listen to something all the time, and have a limited set of tings you listen to. I don't see many adults with headphones in the supermarket, and imagine most people listen to more than a small set of numbers. But thank you for telling how you read it :)
Oh right, it's OK. I thought you meant having a set of favourite songs or preferring to listen to songs that are at least familiar.
Ahh, I read the title as asking if you listen to something all the time, and have a limited set of tings you listen to. I don't see many adults with headphones in the supermarket, and imagine most people listen to more than a small set of numbers. But thank you for telling how you read it :)
The thread was meant like this.
Thank you for pointing out that it could be misunderstood!

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