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Do you attend funerals?

When I was a kid, I always wanted to attend a funeral. I had never been to one and always wanted to see a dead body. It was the scary aspect i was interested in. Now I'm much older, I've been to several of them, I find them quite boring.
I attended the funerals of my two grandparents, as well as the best teacher I ever had in my life. Didn't attend the wake of the teacher, but I felt I still honored this wonderful man.
The two I've been to were really sad - the first was a family one for someone I never met; the second I went to alone & was for my old driving instructor who was such a friendly, kind person. I find funerals to be more creepy than anything. I don't think it should be a problem for others if you choose not to attend because you don't feel the want to.
One funeral I was at, the deceased lady was treated more as an obstacle. It was in a pole barn type church. They kept wheeling her around and out of the way like a spare hospital bed, open casket. Then afterward there was a luncheon in the same room and they kept pushing her around to make room for the food, while we were practically eating over her. Weird experience.

The one for my grandpa had some grace to the inside ceremony. Just not at the burial site. Yes I understand it's Michigan and it's bone chilling cold. But we didn't even have a chance to walk away and the two guys in their Carhartts and muck boots were basically tossing his coffin around like a toy to get the job done as fast as possible. I felt kinda bad, wished I wouldn't have seen his last moment above ground that way.
I've never had an immediate family member die (the only ones were my great-grandmother and my stepfather's mother, neither of whom I knew very well), so I've never been to one. I feel like there would be a lot of ways you would be expected to behave, and you would be disapproved of if you didn't do those unspoken things, like cry or look really sad. That's just a guess, though.
No. I don't do rituals of any kind — funerals, weddings, graduations, baby showers,, etc. They don't mean anything to me, and I find the expected behavior creepy and cult-like. Of course, I know almost no one so I rarely receive invitations.
I have avoided funerals of friends but gone to family member's. I try to force myself to cry when everyone else does but I can't do it. I do cry later though. And then I cried because I didn't cry at the funeral like everyone else. Funerals creep me out. Don't they creep NTs out too?
Not lately. Many deaths in the family of people I don't know. I find no point of going. Also don't have a strong bond with family.
Not if I can possible avoid it. I don not want any kind of funeral at all. I am a full body donor and when I die I should be transported to Upstate Medical Center. I do hope I am used by doctors in training and not morticians.
I've been to three, one of my grandfather's, one of my grandmother's, and that of my favorite teacher.
I was on funeral once, when my grandfather died, he was best person of my family, we were so close, mom says I have his genes. I have blocked/delayed feelings, so after he died, I didn't cry, but on funeral, I finally did. So funeral is very sad, if you loved that person, otherwise it's boring, but it is polite to go if it was your coworker or something like that.
I attend funerals whenever I can. As long as I know the person, that is (I don't pop up on random people's funerals). I am very sentimental, and to me proving that last honor means a lot. Even if it's distant family that I only know from Christmas and birthday parties.
Funerals creep me out too. The thing is is that my family cries at the funerals but me, on the other hand, I don't shed a tear at all. I know people would think that "strange" but that's just how I am.
I do miss the person who died and I get very sensitive but I just don't show my emotions like everyone else does at a funeral but it creeps me out because everyone is sad but me... I don't cry and they do.

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