Sometime in the 1990's I was visiting my parents. I needed some air before going to bed, so I stepped outside their house which was located in the gold country of the sierra foothills. This was out in the countryside, on 33 acres, atop a hill with a 125 or so year old homestead, orchard, and the crumbling, collapsed entrance to a mine. I had stayed there many times over the years, and nothing spooky had ever happened.
This time however, while peacefully looking at the stars I heard men's voices singing, and saw about 8 men with shovels and other tools, walking past me down the steep hill, towards the presently abandoned homestead. I went back into the house immediately.
This time however, while peacefully looking at the stars I heard men's voices singing, and saw about 8 men with shovels and other tools, walking past me down the steep hill, towards the presently abandoned homestead. I went back into the house immediately.